National Show 2024
National Show Judge: Mr Stephen Borland Showmanship Judge: Mr Iwan Thomas RESULTS ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 18-26 years 5th George Woodward-May ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 13-17 years 1st Lauren Parkhouse 2nd Alfie Parkhouse 3rd Izzy Davis 5th Sophie Kerley 6th Daisy Wells ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 7-12 years 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Charlie Nottage 4th Thomas White 5th Skye Elmes-Houston JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Lauren Parkhouse JERSEY RESERVE SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Alfie Parkhouse RESERVE CHAMPION OTHER BREEDS SHOWMANSHIP Lauren Parkhouse JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2024 1st FUTUREDREAM Chocochip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Chocolate Chip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 3rd RIVERMEAD Victory Pixie The Davis Family 4th AMOS Banging Mell Amy Wonnacott 5th GREENWAY Ferdinand Red Mist Leslie & Tracy Rockett JERSEY CALF, born from 1st OCtober to 31st December 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Explore Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiction Carley Flower The Davis Family 3rd BUCKRIDGE Banging Lolly Kate Buckler JERSEY CALF, born 1st July to 30th September 2023 1st MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans 2nd RIVERMEAD Victorious Candyfloss The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 4th SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres George Woodward-May 5th BUCKRIDGE Gislev Sweetpea Kate Buckler JERSEY CALF CHAMPION MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans RESERVE JERSEY CALF CHAMPION FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Choco Veronica Futuredreams Partnership RESERVE INTERBREED CALF CHAMPION MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st January and 30th June 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 3rd QUINTRELL Chocochip Claret Red Quintrell Jerseys 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambridge JERSEY, incalf heifer 1st TYRFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom James Evans 2nd SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres George Woodward-May JERSEY, in milk heifer, having calved her first calf at under 2.5 years of age 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis …
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2024
Calf Judge: Mr Lindsay Fleming Showmanship Judge: Mr Arwyn Wilson RESULTS JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2024 1st SILVERSPARKLE CC Arizona Izzy Lee 2nd RIVERMEAD Victorious Pixie The Davis Family 3rd COLDEATON Yegabomb Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jerseys 4th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 5th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Choco Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 6th THISTLEROSE Chocochip Shimmy Isla Arrell JERSEY, born between 1st December 2023 & 29th February (12) 1st BEES Valens-Thyme Bethan Greenhalgh 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Tweeny The Davis Family 3rd SILVERSPARKLE Jordan Coca Izzy Lee 4th DREAMMAKER Cheeky Vimto Rosemary Dreammaker Jerseys 5th STARLET Huxford Kitty Kevin & Sian Rickard 6th COLDEATON Guapo Tequila Star Josephine ET Coldeaton Jerseys 7th MYDRIM Roulette Ella Tara James Evans 8th BAR-M Chocochip Rose Bar-M Jerseys 9th SWEETPEA Jazzy Jinglebell Isla Arrell 10th RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie Keira Nottage JERSEY, born between 1st September & 30th November 2023 (11) 1st SILVERSPARKLE Chocochip Roses W Horsley, T Horsley, J Robinson & K Bainbridge 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiciton Carly Flower The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 4th RIVERMEAD Victorious Candy Floss The Davis Family 5th RIVERMEAD Victorious Stormy Flair Jerseys 6th FLAIR Popping Candy Flair Jerseys 7th MYDRIM Ferdinand Louise James Evans 8th MYDRIM Magicians Tara James Evans 9th RIVERVIEW Victorious Narina Davies & Sales JERSEY, born between 1st May & 31st August 2023 1st MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans 2nd COLDEATON Phoenix Pollybay Coldeaton Jerseys 3rd BAR-M Ferdinand Bluebell Bar-M Jerseys 4th RIVERMEAD Engineer Bella KE Jenkinson 5th KJ Explore Nadia 2 John Lomax & Kelly Woodcock 6th STARLET Ferdinand Samsybil 2 John Lomax & Kelly Woodcock JERSEY, born between 1st January & 30th April 2023 1st FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 2nd RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 4th COLDEATON Phoenix Josephine Coldeaton …
UK Dairy Day
Judge: Mr Willie Taylor RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st GUILLYHILL Webcam Daisy TA & ML Jackson & Daughters 2nd NETHERVALLEY Oliver Regina Sheila Scott 3rd RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis Family 4th MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy JD Evans 5th MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz M Henry, R Timlin & J Metcalf JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk 1st LOGAN Chrome Caribbean B Yates, M Yates and G&I Jones 2nd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious K Scott 3rd RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 4th RIVERMEAD Casino Sangria The Davis Family 5th HONEYFIELDS Come Dancing Honeyfields Jerseys 6th SKIDDAW Lemonhead Tilly JA & Y Raven JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd MYDRIM Colton New Years Sandy JD Evans BREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE CHAMPION LOGAN Chrome Caribbean HONOURABLE MENTION LAYWARD Victoriously Divine
Royal Welsh Show
Saxown Matt Cash 107
Great Yorkshire Show
Saxown Matt Cash 107
Royal Three Counties Show
Judge: Mr Mark Davis RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, in calf with first calf, under 3 years of age 1st SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres Mr George Woodward-May 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallulah Miss Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY COW or HEIFER, in milk 1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Mr Barry Cambridge 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino Time Miss Charlotte Colquhoun JERSEY BREED CHAMPION BURYYHILL Littlestar Rumour JERSEY RESERVE BREED CHAMPION SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st December 2023 & 28th February 2024 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie Miss Keira Nottage 2nd BURYHILL Engineer Casinotime Mr Kieran Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Lots of Rumour Miss Charlotte Calquhoun JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st September 2023 & 30th November 2023 1st AVALON Addiction Pumpkin Davies & Sales 2nd RIVERVIEW Victorious Narina Davies & Sales JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st May 2023 & 30th August 2023 1st SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres Mr George Woodward-May JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st January 2023 & 30th April 2023 1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Miss Charlotte Calquhoun 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF HEIFERS 1st Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres RESERVE YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie
Royal Cornwall Show
Judge: Mr Robert Hunter Interbreed Judge: Mr Andy Cope RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiction Candy The Davis Family 3rd TRENOWETH Ferdinand Bopple Nut The Johns Family 4th CARDINNEY Addiction Glamour RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY HEIFER, incalf 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Ivy RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with second calf which was produced under the age of four years 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Gorgeous Blondie The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Wish Bone RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with third or fourth calf 1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Bopple Nut The Johns Family JERSEY COW, in milk with fifth of subsequent calf 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Dianna Quintrell Jerseys JERSEY, best homebred pair 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY, best group of three 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren BREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION OPEN PAIRS The Davis Family RESERVE INTERBREED HEIFER RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF FIVE The Davis Family & RJ, JR & SM Warren
Royal Bath & West Show
Judge: Mr Arwyn Wilson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1 December 2022). Heifers in this class are also permitted to enter the relevant calf classes 1st DREAMMAKER Cheeky Vimto Spry Sarah Howie 2nd STONEBRIDGE Banging Liquorice Zoe Clear 3rd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Zoe Cambridge 4th JOSIES Explore Happy Birthday 3 Miss Josie Dowding JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st MOONLIGHT Milkshake Miss Chloe Peach JERSEY COW OR HEIFER, in calf to produce her second, third or subsequent calf no later than 1 October 2024 1st BURYHILL Colton Aimless Angel Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER COW, in milk, having calved her first calf at under 2.5 years of age 1st MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Miss Chloe Peach 2nd DREAMMAKER Lobster Stephanie Sarah Howie 3rd REGATTA Video Craze Sarah Howie 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Zoe Cambridge 5th RIVERMEAD Casino Time Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk having calved two times or more 1st FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil Sarah Howie 2nd WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol Sarah Howie 3rd BURHILL Tequila Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil RESERVE CHAMPION MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly HONOURABLE MENTION WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol
National Show 2023
Showmanship Judge: Mr Lynden Bustard Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS ANY OTHER BREEDS HANDLER, AGED 18-26 YEARS 1st Emily Davis 2nd Ellie Saxby 6th Megan Miller Hudson ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 13-17 YEARS 1st Peighton Robertson 3rd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Izzy Davis 7th Alfie Parkhouse ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 7-12 YEARS 1st Keira Nottage 3rd Jack Davis JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER CHAMPION Emily Davis RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER Ellie Saxby JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 3rd AMOS Moonlight Xanthia New Park Farm 4th BURYHI Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambride 5th STONEBEIDGE Banging Liquorice Zoe Clear JERSEY CALF, born 1st October 2022 to 31st December 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Askn Cyber The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Askn Lexi The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Askn For Apple Pie The Davis Family 4th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY CALF, born from 1st July to 30th September 2022 1st TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom Futuredreams Partnership 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Fay The Davis Family 3rd SAXOWN Casette Cash 128 The Saxby Family 4th STONEBRIDGE Holeinone Fancy Fizz Zoe Clear 5th MOONLIGHT Ferdinand Monica Chloe Peach 6th MOONLIGHT Milkshake Chloe Peach JERSEY CHAMPION TYFRI Ferdinana Queen Blossom RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine INTERBREED CHAMPION CALF TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom JERSEY, maiden heifer born on or between 1st January & 30th June 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The David Family 2nd MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy James Evans 3rd QUINTRELL Webcam Andromenda Quintrell Jerseys 4th MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach JERSEY, incalf heifer born on or before 31st December 2022, incalf with first calf to calve under 2.5 years 1st DISCOVERY Chrome Carly Zoe Clear 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino …
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2023
Showmanship Judge: Mrs Izzy Laird Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS AJUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Finley Burrows 3rd William Seaton 5th Siwan Efa Williams B-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Phoebe Hine 4th Isla Banks 6th Katie Bertram C-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 1st Isla Arrell 2nd Izzy Davis 3rd Iain Howie 5th Ellie Atkinson 6th Alfie Parkhouse INTERMEDIATE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 13 & 15 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 1st Peighton Robertson 2nd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Joanna Dale SENIOR HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 16 & 20 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Sioned Morris 3rd Katie Watson MATURE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 21 & 26 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 3rd Hannah Saxby JERSEY CHAMPION Isla Arrell RESERVE CHAMPION Sioned Morris HONOURABLE MENTION Izzy Davis JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd UPTOWN Coco Spice Katie Watson 3rd RIVERMEAD Addiction Carly The Davis Family 4th MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 5th SILVERSPARKLE Ferdinand Aria Izzy Lee 6th MYDRIM Chocochip Coronation Tara Ed Seaton 7th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambridge 8th COLDEATON Stag Alison Rainbow Coldeaton Jerseys 9th DREIGIAU Seren Dreigiau Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st December 2022 & 28th February 2023 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Riley Gwen Cochrane 2nd SAXOWN Ferdinands Valentine Judy 34 The Saxby Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 4th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 5th KATHERINES Spanner Man Sophia Katherine Jenkinson 6th BAR-M Chocochip Fern Isla Bar-M Jerseys 7th BAR-M Moonlight Sparkling Rosie Bar-M Jerseys 8th COLDEATON Phoenix Josephine Coldeaton Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st September & 30th November 2022 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Colin & Izzy …
UK Dairy Day 2023
Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sangria The Davis Family 2nd SKIDDAW Lemonhead Tilly Kerry Scott 3rd HONEYFIELDS Come Dancing Honeyfields Jerseys 4th HAILSTONE Oliver-P Samantha Who M&D Wilson 5th TREGIBBY Victorious Sunshine Adam Fagg JERSEY Junior Cow, in milk, having had two calves 1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Sian & Kevin Rickard 2nd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious Kerry Scott 3rd ANSOM Casino Samsybil Sian & Kevin Rickard 4th SAXOWN Mayy Judy 26 The Saxby Family 5th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 6th BRASTEAD Governor Revenant GR Edgar & Son JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having had four calves 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Arrell 3rd WELLHOUSE Colton Emerald Wellhouse Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION RIVERMEAD Casino Samsybil
Ashby Show
Judge: Mr M Smith RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer born in 2021 or 2022 1st DEVAL Video Accordian Mr B Griffin JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st WOODWAY Lemonhead Adele Woodway Jerseys 2nd DEVAL Video Zircon Mr B Griffin JERSEY COW, in milk 1st WOODWAY Engineer Woolly Woodway Jerseys JERSEY COW, in calf 1st DEVAL Joel Violin Mr B Griffin JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Woodway Jerseys 2nd Mr B Griffin JERSEY Calf 1st WOODWAY Askn Cadell Woodway Jerseys BREED CHAMPION WOODWAY Engineer Woolly RESERVE BREED CHAMPION DEVAL Joel Violin
Royal Welsh Show
Windyridge Tequila Diamond
Great Yorkshire Show
Coldeaton Yegabomb Josephine with Interbreed judge, Blaise Tomlinson
Royal Norfolk Show
Senior Cow Class
Save the Date – Jersey Young Breeders Weekend 2023
We look forward to welcoming our Jersey Young Breeders members to the Hiltonbury herd in Winchester, 15th – 17th September 2023 for a weekend of learning new skills and making lifelong friends. Our sincere thanks to Olly, Shaleen & Cova for hosting this event for us – keep an eye on the Facebook page and your emails for further information! #jerseycow #dairyqueen #allthingsJersey #jerseyyoungbreeders #nextgeneration
Lincolnshire Show
Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RAVENFIELD Casino Lassie RF & JF Heath JERSEY HEIFER, incalf 1st LONGING Daydream Countess EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa RF & JF Heath 4th BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st LONGING Ambition Charm EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Telford Jasmine Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Jess RF & JF Heath JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION LONGING Ambition Charm JERSEY COW, dry 1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Action Lassie RF & JF Heath JERSEY COW, in milk 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Florence 21 RF & JF Heath GROUP OF THREE JERSEYS 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RF & JF Heath 3rd EG Armitage PROGENY PAIR 1st RF & JF Heath 2nd Barnowl Jerseys BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot RESERVE BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki
Open Farm Sunday
Yareal UK Ltd hosted Open Farm Sunday 2023 which saw a wonderful turn out of visitors to the farm in Oswestry to see a first class unit, fully supported by local and national businesses at the event. Our board director Phil attended and was very impressed by the set up and the manner in which the day was run. #jerseycow #dairyqueen #allthingsJersey
Royal Cornwall Show
Judge: Mr L Dunne, Queensland, Australia RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st QUINTRELL Webcam Andromeda J, M & C Colwell 2nd CARDINNEY Thumper Ferdinand Yarrow 5 RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY HEIFER, incalf due to calve no later than 31st October 2023 1st TRENOWETH Doyle Glitter A Johns 2nd MOORVIEW Banging Savannah AR & DL Walters JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie AR & DL Walters 2nd CARDINNEY Engineer Rebel 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 3rd QUINTRELL Lonestar Youtube J, M & C Colwell 4th QUINTRELL Blue Holly J, M & C Colwell 5th QUINTRELL Blue Calendula J, M & C Colwell JERSEY DRY COW, due to calve before 1st October 2023 1st MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters JERSEY COW, in milk or in calf, any age and produced a lifetime yield of 22,700kgs of milk 1st QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 2nd MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters JERSEY COW, in second lactation 1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Bapple Nut A Johns JERSEY COW, in third or later lactation 1st CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 3rd MOORVIEW Tillys Sassy Girl AR & DL Walters JERSEY PAIR BRED BY THE EXHIBITOR 1st RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd J, M & C Colwell 3rd AR & DL Walters JERSEY GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS 1st J, M & C Colwell 2nd AR & DL Walters BREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RESERVE CHAMPION WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Babble Nut HONOURABLE MENTION MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie INTERBREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3
Royal Bath & West Show
Judge: Mr Tim Garry RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1st December 2021) 1st GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Les & Tracy Rockett 3rd MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach 4th JOSIES Devinci Lemonade Josie Dowding 5th BURYHILL Littlestar Marissa Zoe Cambridge 6th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st GREENWAY Excitation Lori Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour 2 Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Littlestar Honey Zoe Cambridge 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Tequila Zoe Cambridge JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk, having calved not more than twice 1st BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having calved three times or more 1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Kevin & Sian Rickard JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd Zoe Cambridge 3rd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo
Balmoral Show
Judge: Mr Blaise Tomlinson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st September 2021 1st SAXOWN Addiction Judy Mr Martin King JERSEY HEIFER, not in milk, born on or after 1st September 2020 & on or before 31st August 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY HEIFER, in milk, calved under 3 years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS Jamie Lady 4 The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Everest Sarah Clandeboye Estate 3rd POTTERSWALLS Casino Lady 2 The Fleming Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Mr Martin King 5th CLANDEBOYE Casino Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY COW, in milk having had two calvings 1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Emperor Fantasia Clandeboye Estate 3rd PRIESTLAND Fizz Harmonica The McLean Family JERSEY COW, in milk having had three or more calvings 1st POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Bamber Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS 1st The Fleming Family 2nd Clandeboye Estate 3rd The Fleming Family JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr James Waring RESERVE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR The Fleming Family CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP The Fleming Family
Devon County Show
Judge: Miss Carol Pledge RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2022 1st BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 2nd KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Dream PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Mr & Mrs Rockett 4th KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Babybelle PV Lawrence JERSEY HEIFER, MAIDEN Born on or before 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2022 1st BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RIVERMEAD Video Ivy PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Mr & Mrs Rockett JERSEY HEIFER, incalf, not to be more than 30 months of age at the time of calving 1st OLYMPIC Casino Belladonna PV Lawrence 2nd GREENWAY Excitation Lori Mr & Mrs Rockett JERSEY COW, dry anf at least five months in calf, any age 1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months 1st BARNOWL Brunel Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk, second or third lactation 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk, fourth lactation or higher 1st BARNOWL Everest Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION BARNOWL Everest Vicki INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr Malcolm Huxtable CHANNEL ISLAND CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION INMILK HEIFER GREENWAY Windstar Cara RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP BARNOWL Jerseys RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR BARNOWL Maid Victoria RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY ANIMAL BARNOWL Maid Victoria
Maximise Margins at Turn Out by Grazing Efficiently
Harness seasonal benefits alongside nutritional supplementation With forage stocks low and growing pressure on margins, dairy producers will be looking to make the most out of grazed grass, but focus should also be given to balanced nutritional supplementation, if performance and yields are to be maintained. With milk prices dropping from the highs experienced in 2022, producer margins are under strain, so maintaining yields and butterfat production will be key to making the most out of forage this spring, to help ease that pressure. Maximise DMIs and margins “The efficient use of grass by precision feeding can help increase milk from forage, but it is vital that grazing is measured and managed. It can then be balanced with the correct buffer feeding, to maximise DMIs and margins,” advises Mike Chown, ruminant technical manager for UFAC-UK. “We need to consider how we can harness seasonality benefits alongside the nutritional supplementation required to support grazing. We want cows to graze efficiently and to milk in a way that can achieve best returns, through a combination of good quality milk and hitting the profile,” he says. “To maximise forage DMIs, we first need to know what we are feeding, so we should regularly analyse all forages, and balance them with the correct nutrients, such as structural fibre, sugar, starch, rumen protein, by-pass protein and rumen inert fatty acids. “For example, with the lush, fresh grass in early spring low in effective fibre levels, it is crucial to provide effective structural fibre to complement grazing, to maintain rumen health and milk quality, in particular butterfat,” he adds. Increase in feed conversion efficiency In essence, the producer needs to optimise the cow’s rumen function and rumen health, and a new to market palm-free fat supplement fits this role, as part of the buffer ration. Designed …
The 2022 All Britain Competition had a record level of entries, with a number of first time entrants which is encouraging for the breed. Congratulations to all of our winners. The All Britain Awards are designed to highlight cattle that have been shown during the year and to give credit to their owners and breeders for the outstanding work they do in promoting the Jersey animal at both national and local events. The All Britain Competition continues to go from strength to strength with increasing entries and new exhibitors taking part.
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show Venue Confirmed
The show committee have announced that a new venue has been secured for the 2023 All Breeds All Britain Calf Show. “We are delighted to be working with the NAEC Stoneleigh in Warwickshire to host this years event which will take place from 6th to the 8th October. The move comes after the ABAB Calf Show’s previous home, the East of England Showground, announced that it would be unable to host the event this year”. #jerseycow #dairyqueen #allbreedsallbritain #calfshow
Borderway Dairy Expo
Judge: Jenny Thomas RESULTS JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER 1st ASHFOLD VIP Doris A&L Rimmer 2nd FLAIR Popstar Flair Jerseys 3rd BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Blyth Farms 4th SKIDDAW Banging Susie JA & Y Raven 5th RUBY Almondene Levine Harriett H Rawcliffe JERSEY INCALF HEIFER BORN IN 2021 1st BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan G&G Templeton 2nd VALLEY Rockwell Lady Peter Cotton 3rd HONEYFIELDS Chrome Panama Honeyfields Jerseys 4th CARLDANTON Lemon Jellybean Anthony Grimshaw 5th SKIDDAW Matt Dolly JA & Y Raven 6th KATHERINES Ontime Beatrice Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan RESERVE JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION VALLEY Rockwell Lady HONOURABLE MENTION JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION ASHFOLD VIP Doris TWO YEAR OLD JERSEY 1st HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance Honeyfields Jerseys 2nd KERRICKS Keystone Rosheen Kerricks Farm 3rd CLANEL Video Daisybelle Heuchan Family 4th KILLINGTON Video Eleanor J&R Waller 5th KATHERINES Matt Amelia Katherine Jenkinson 6th THISTLEROSE Disco Salsa Jane & Phil Arrell JERSEY THREE YEAR OLD 1st SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 The Saxby Family 2nd STUDDAH Endeavour Casinos Glamour J Pratt & S Clapham 3rd SKIDDAW Megapower Bluebell JA & Y Raven 4th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 5th KILLINGTON Excitation Cash J&R Waller 6th KATHERINES Rascal Harriet Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY SENIOR COW, 1st RIVERMEAD Minx Candy The Davis Family 2nd CLIFTON Barnabas Clover TA & ML Jackson & Daughters 3rd KATHERINES Rascal Fragrance Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Minx Candy RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 HONOURABLE MENTION HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance PREMIER BREEDER AWARD Honeyfield & Blyth Farms PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARD Honeyfields Jerseys PREMIER SIRE OF THE SENIOR SHOW RIVER VALLEY Venus VIP
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show Venue
The show committee have recently been notified by the East of England Show that they will not be able to host the 2023 ABAB Calf Show. The committee are working hard to secure a new venue and we will keep members updated as and when we know more. #jerseycow #dairyqueen #allbreedsallbritain #calfshow
Judges Conference 2023 announcement
A great opportunity to be a member of the Jersey Cattle Society Judges panel. Venue: The home of RIVERMEAD JERSEYS by kind permission of The Davis Family, Burlescombe, Tiverton, Devon, EX16 7JH Date: TUESDAY 25th APRIL 2023 Time: commence at 10.00am Members and Non-Members are invited to attend and have an opportunity to view the prizewinning Rivermead Herd and meet the family winning team of the 2022 ‘Dairy Farmer of the Year’ British Farming Awards Please confirm your interest to attend by contacting the Society Office – 01926 484035 Further details of the Conference will be available in due course. #jerseycow #jerseycattlesocietyoftheuk #jerseyconference #rivermeadjerseys #rivermeaddairyltd #judgespanel #dairyfarming
Clydevalley Lead the Way to Lilyhill Success
Congratulations to Robert, Lorraine and Mark Hunter of CLYDEVALLEY Jerseys in Lanarkshire who have been crowned winners of the Lilyhill Trophy, awarded to the Gold Cup qualifying Jersey herd with the highest combined butterfat and protein. The herd of 160 milking Jerseys achieved a combined weight of 878.42kgs per cow, yielding 8,063kgs of milk at 6.97% fat and 3.93% protein. The sale of surplus stock from this all year round calving herd, usually 50 cows and heifers a year, is an important part of the business alongside milk production. #jerseycow #dairyqueen #goldcup #lilyhillcup
Royal Ulster Winter Fair
Judge: Mr Pierre Boulet, Canada RESULTS INTERMEDIATE SHOWMANSHIP 6th Jack King SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP 4th Ailsa Fleming JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st June 2021 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET The Sizzlers Syndicate 2nd POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Lady The Fleming Family 3rd POTTERSWALLS Black Apple Starlight The Fleming Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Maid Delight 2 Jack King 5th MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritzer Ryan Black & Tom McKnight 6th CLANDEBOYE Victorious Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY HEIFER, incalf, 1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK, calved by three years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Lady 3 The Fleming Family 2nd LOGAN Chrome Chicago Clive & Joel Richardson 3rd KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Jack King 4th CLANDEBOYE Chrome Marble 2 Clandeboye Estate 5th BALLYEALAN Engineer Louise Tom Lynch & Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk in second lactation 1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd KIRKINRIOLA Oliver-P Delight Jack King JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk in third or later lactation 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour The Fleming Family 2nd BALLYEALAN Tequila Louise Tom Lynch & Family 3rd GLANMOR Jebb Elisha Clandeboye Estate JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz HONOURABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Dawn INTERBREED CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour
Katherines Jerseys Hit The Headlines!
Congratulations to Katherine Jenkinson, being featured in the current issue of the Farmers Guardian! The article focusses on the vending machine business which Katherine has created with her own Katherines herd of Jerseys. This is an excellent article focusing on a very successful breeder, who is making the most of what her cows are producing and spreading the Jersey word! Click to read the full article: Page 1 – Page 2 – Page 3 – #jerseycow #dairyqueen #butterfatandprotein #componentscount
Judge: Niels Eric Haahr, Denmark RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, 1st CLYDEVALLEY Cruz Mintberry The Hunter Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW, 1st CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold The Hunter Family 2nd TREGIBBY Colton Dreamgirl Adam Fagg JERSEY SENIOR COW 1st SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Grace Arrell 2nd CLYDEVALLEY Illustrious Puddleduck The Hunter Family JERSEY CHAMPION CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Joel Judy 21
South West Scotland Dairy Show
Claiming the Jersey championship on her debut show outing was Logan Chrome Caribbean from the Yates family and Gary Jones. This heifer in milk by River Valley Cece Chrome is out of Arethusa Veronica Comet EX95 and her granddam is Queen of the Jersey breed, Huronia Centurion Veronica 20J EX97. Taking reserve spot in the Jersey championship was Douglas Buchanan leading his family’s Tintoview Tequila Blondie EX94. This fifth lactation Tower Vue Tequilla daughter calved in July and is giving 32 litres a day. She was champion Jersey at the SWS Dairy Show 2021 and reserve champion at AgriScot 2019. Click here to view full results: #jerseycow #dairyqueen
South West Scotland Dairy Show
RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK, 1st LOGAN Chrome Caribbean BG Yates & Son & G Jones 2nd KERRICKS Judo Fizz Kerricks Farm 3rd TINTOVIEW Citation Cuddle Buchanan Family JERSEY COW IN MILK 1st TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie Buchanan Family JERSEY CHAMPION LOGAN Chrome Caribbean JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie
Lakes Club Herd Competition Results 2022
Congratulations to all Lakes Club members who took part in the recent Club Herd Competition. With sections totalling over 10 entries in some cases, judges Phil, Jane and Isla Arrell had their work cut out! On behalf of the Society, we thank the club for putting in the efforts to hold this event and thank sponsors Carrs Billington also. Click here to view results: #jerseycow #dairyqueen
Denise Does the Double for Guillyhill
Congratulations to the Jackson family of GUILLYHILL who had an excellent summer show season with their fourth-calving cow, CLIFTON Chavez Denise EX94. Denise took the Interbreed honours at both Dumfries and Cumberland Shows and had local press coverage! Click here to read the article in the Dumfries Courier: #jerseycow #dairyqueen
European Jersey Show 2022 – Enter Today!
Following the success of the 2021 competition, we are delighted to see the 2022 competition entries are now open. This competition, kindly organised by the European Jersey Forum will take place on the EJF Facebook page in December. A complete timetable with dates of publication for each class and championship will be distributed as soon as the registrations will be closed. The deadline for registration as well as videos is fixed for 2nd December. Please click here to view the full schedule: European Jersey Forum Show 2022 For a copy of the Registration Form please email Becky:
The Davis Family Hit The High Notes at The British Farming Awards
Congratulations to The Davis Family of RIVERMEAD who took home two fantastic accolades from The British Farming Awards: Gold in the Dairy Farmer of the Year and Silver in the Farming Family of the Year categories. The Davis’ have had a wonderful year on the show circuit and have held a highly successful on farm open day and select sale. The following is borrowed from the British Farming Awards website: Westcott Farm is a tenanted farm owned by Devon County Council, with the Davis Family farming the 101 hectares (250 acres) on a farm business tenancy. A further 18 hectares (45 acres) are rented from the same landlord on a short-term tenancy and a further 22ha (55 acres) rented from a private landlord on a five-year FBT. The wider family are involved in the business but the main family members looking after the day-to-day running are Gordon, his sons Mark and Kevin alongside Richard Saxby. The farm is home to a herd of 280 Jersey cows and their followers with the milking portion producing about two million litres of high constituent milk each year. Rivermead Dairy also buys in an additional 4-5 m litres from Jersey milk producers across the south of England. Using their own fleet of tankers, this milk is then distributed to processors of high-end and speciality cheeses and desserts, alongside more traditional products such as Devonshire clotted cream, ice cream and yoghurts. Gordon says the setting up of this second dairy business has allowed the family to be in control of their own destiny. He says “diversifying has allowed us to purchase new equipment and invest in facilities and staff”. Noted for its success on the show circuit, the Rivermead herd is fully housed and Richard Saxby explains there is an emphasis on cow health and …
A Wonderful Display of Jerseys at All Breeds All Britain 2022
The display of Jerseys at All Breeds All Britain this last weekend was second to none. Our judge Ian Collins did a fantastic judge presiding over the breed classes, tapping out his final line-up as follows: Champion: RIVERMEAD Victorious Sangria Reserve Champion: RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny Honourable Mention: TREGIBBY Victorious Sunshine In the Showmanship classes, Anna Stable certainly had her work cut out, with the final tap going to Abi Marshall, with Ellie Saxby in Reserve with Hannah Saxby as Honourable Mention. Our thanks to our judges, stewards and the show committee for making this year another to remember. Click to view full results:
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2022
SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Mrs Anna Stable JERSEY CALF CLASSES: Mr Ian Collins RESULTS COLOURED BREEDS SHOWMANSHIP, Class 1a, 12 years of age or under on 1st January 2022 (10 entries) 2nd Keira Nottage 3rd Archie Lee 4th Finn Burrows 5th Molly Fox 6th Zara Norman Class 1b, 12 years of age and under on 1st January 2022 (6 entries), 2nd Isla Banks 3rd Phoebe Hine 5th Jake Waring Class 1c, 12 years of age and under on 1st January 2022 (11 entries) 2nd Izzy Davis 9th Oscar Yates 11th Freddie Etteridge Intermediate Handlers, aged 13 to 15 years on January 1st 2022 (19 entries) 1st Ellis Caldwell 4th William Spence 8th Lily Cleave 9th Hanna Evans 15th Chloe Peach Senior Handlers, aged 16 to 20 years on January 1st 2022 (12 entries) 1st Abi Marshall 2nd Ellie Saxby 5th Katie Thompson 7th Zoe Walters Mature Handlers, aged 21 to 27 years on January 1st 2022 (12 entries) 1st Hannah Saxby 5th Katherine Jenkinson 6th Zoe Coates 8th Bethan Greenhalgh Champion Abi Marshall Reserve Champion Ellie Saxby Honourable Mention Hannah Saxby JERSEY CALF CLASSES JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2022 1st MYDRIM ROCKCLIFF Franks Wish Heidi James Evans 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The Davis Family 3rd MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy James Evans 4th RIVERMEAD Victorious Candy Glanmor & Saxown Jerseys 5th GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries L Rockett & T Marshall 6th HATRICK Rockwell Time Hattie Thomasson 7th BLYTHBRIDGE Dell Rhea Archie Lee 8th RIVERMEAD VIP Lolly Izzy & Archie Lee 9th ARRANVIEWS Webcam Veronica K&A Lawrie 10th POTTERSWALLS Levine Magic 2 11th GREYLEYS Huxford Annette 232 Sarah Liddle 12th ROSETTE Casino When Skies Are Grey Veronica Adam Fagg JERSEY, born between 1st December 2021 & 28th February 2022 1st VALLEY Rockwell Lady Peter Cotton 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica TH Futuredreams Partnership …
ABAB Showmanship Judge Change
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Anna Stable will now be judging the Coloured Breeds Showmanship Classes on Saturday at All Breeds All Britain. Anna hails from the Thurlstone herd of Jerseys and previously worked with Churchroyd Dairy Shornhorns. Anna has judged coloured calves and their handlers at several shows around the country, including Royal Cheshire.
Four Interbreed Titles on Offer and Four Interbreed Titles Won at 2022 National Show!
What a fantastic day for the breed at the 2022 Jersey Cattle Society National Show which saw all four Interbreed titles at The Dairy Show, being awarded to the Jersey breed. The first of which was the Interbreed Showmanship title which was won by the 21st birthday girl, Emily Davis under judge Mr Mike Deakins. The next star of the show was exhibited by James Evans. FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica lifted the title of Interbreed Champion Calf under judges Mr Brian Weatherup, Mr Mike Deakins and Mr Duncan Hunter. Moving on the the milking classes, judged by Mr Duncan Hunter saw BLUEGRASS Dancing Hair Bobbles scoop the Supreme Heifer Interbreed Championship for Barry, Jenny and Claire Daw. The atmosphere was electric in the Supreme Interbreed judging ring with all the days judges scoring the individual champions publicly. Tensions were high as RIVERSIDE Engineer Hazelnut 2 scooped the highest points and was crowned Champion for Ben and Nia Llewellin. A truly wonderful show was had by all with an extremely high quality level of Jerseys forward which was reflected in the overall interbreed results. Thank you to all judges, stewards, sponsors and of course The Royal Bath & West of England Society for putting on such a great show once again.
Jersey Cattle Society National Show
SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Mr Mike Deakins CALF CLASSES JUDGE: Mr Duncan Hunter WEDNESDAY NATIONAL SHOW CLASSES JUDGE: Mr Duncan Hunter RESULTS AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 18-26 YEARS 1st Emily Davis 2nd Ellie Saxby 4th Amy Wonnacott 6th Cova Butcher AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 13-17 YEARS 2nd Lily Cleave 4th Chloe Peach AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 7-12 YEARS 1st Izzy Davis 5th Keira Nottage 7th Alfie Parkhouse JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Emily Davis JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP RESERVE CHAMPION Ellie Saxby INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Emily Davis RESERVE INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Ellie Saxby JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2022 1st FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica Futuredreams Partners 2nd NEW VENTURE Animate Cyber 2 Mrs Susan Oakes 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Mr L Rockett & Miss T Marshall 4th RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The Davis Family 5th MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach 6th AMOS Craze Mell Amy Wonnacott JERSEY CALF, born from 1st October 2021 to 31st December 2021 1st MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara JD Evans 2nd SAXOWN Gamble Cash 122 The Saxby Family JERSEY CALF, born from 1st July to 30th September 2021 1st RIVERSIDE Casino Hazelnut 2 The Llewellin Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Gin Winnie The Davis Family 3rd NEW VENTURE Jordan Grove 3 Mrs Susan Oakes 4th RIVERMEAD Matt Lexi The Davis Family 5th MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Chloe Peach 6th NEW VENTURE Jordan Grove 4 Mrs Susan Oakes 7th RIVERMEAD Casino Alexsis The Davis Family 8th HILTONBURY Perfect Yami Mr Oliver Neagle JERSEY CHAMPION, FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION, MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara INTERBREED CHAMPION CALF, FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or between 1st January & 30th June 2021 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd MOORVIEW Banging Savannah AR & DL Walters 3rd HILTONBURY Engineer Yellow Sugar Mr Oliver Neagle 4th GREENWAY Jamie Amaretto Mr L Rockett & Miss T …
Rivermead and Saxown Sale Tops at 3350gns!
Kivells were on farm at Tiverton on Thursday to conduct the Rivermead & Saxown Porduction Sale of 64Pedigree Jerseys on behalf of the Davis & Saxby Families. The Sale followed an excellent herd visit which drew a huge crowd of people from far and wide. The Sale was a huge success with 27 different buyers recorded with 15 head selling to 6 buyers from Northern Ireland with other buyers from Scotland, Cumbria, Wales, Yorkshire, Oxford, Staffordshire, Shropshire, Somerset, Devon & Cornwall. Top of the day was 3550gns for the much admired six month old calf Rivermead Victorious Candy, she is maternal sister to Minx Candy VG89 two yearold who won Dairy Day 21 as an In Milk Heifer. This calf has huge potential and was bought by Tanwen Cox of Carmarthenshire. Close behind at 3300gns was the best of the Saxown consignment, the much admired In CalfHeifer Saxown Victorious Heidi, this super heifer was backed with 7 generations of VG & EX dams and sold due in February to sexed Ferdinand to Smyth McCann of Northern Ireland. The 9 milkers were a slightly more selective trade and topped at 2100gns for Saxown James Heidi, this heifer was backed with 5 striaght excellent dams and sold giving 26kgs to Kev Rickard & Family of Newport. At 1900gns was Saxown Matt Cash GP83, this heifer from the noted Cash Family sold back in Calf to sexed Addiction to the Buddleford Partneship of Cullompton. The only milker from Rivermead was Rivermead Velocitys Scarlet ET GP84, an embryo daughteroff the All American Shantals Cgar Shiloh EX95, she sold to Robert & Lorraine Hunter of Lanarkshire, Scotland for their Clydevalley herd. In Calf Heifers were an excellent trade with others to 1750gns twice for Rivermead Matt Pixie and Rivermead Matt Waffle both due in April …
ABAB Handling Rule Change
Please note, we have been sent the following amendment with regard to the calf handling rules at ABAB: In the rules on page 9 can you change Rule 4 to read ‘ Entries will be accepted for Handlers 5 years of age and over on 1st January 2022. However, the Coloured breeds committee reserve the right for the stewards to ask any handlers who were under the age of 7 on 1st January not to enter the ring if they do not show good control of their calf, without assistance, in the collecting area. This decision has been taken to protect the health and safety of all exhibitors, whilst allowing younger experienced handlers to compete Entries close this FRIDAY! No late entries will be accepted. Link to the schedule and entry form, which is also on the shows page of our website and linked to our Facebook page:
Have You Completed Your All Breeds All Britain Entries?
Entries close this FRIDAY! No late entries will be accepted. Link to the schedule and entry form, which is also on the shows page of our website and linked to our Facebook page:
JUDGE: Mr Eddie Barrett RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, incalf 1st WINDYRIDGE Barbarian Kimberley PE Manning 2nd SAXOWN Matt Judy 26 The Saxby Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Lemonhead Ivy The Davis Family 4th MOONSHINE Ambition Bramble B Etteridge JUNIOR COW, in milk, having had two or three calves 1st ERIE Victorious Caramel E M & E & Iwan Morgan 2nd DARNLAW Colton Glitz PE Manning 3rd VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 P Cotton 4th RIVERMEAD Yegabomb Kestrel The Davis Family 5th TREGIBBY Yegabomb Blusher AH Wilson & Son 6th TYRINGHAM Mac Rosa PE Manning JERSEY SENIOR COW IN MILK, having had 4 or more calves 1st TREGIBBY Panama Tequila AH Wilson & Son 2nd MOONSHINE Response Java B Etteridge JERSEY CHAMPION, ERIE Victorious Caramel JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION, TREGIBBY Panama Tequila JERSEY HONORABLE MENTION WINDYRIDGE Barbarian Kimberley
Cycle for Sue is in full spin at UK Dairy Day
We’re raising money for Brain Tumour Research, in memory of Holstein UK Group CEO Sue Cope. Cycle for Sue is in full ‘spin’ at UK Dairy Day to raise money for Brain Tumour Research, in memory of Holstein UK Group CEO and UK Dairy Day Event Director Sue Cope. Earlier this year, Sue lost her short but courageous battle with a brain tumour and her family, friends and colleagues have joined together to cycle two spin bikes a total of 867 miles. Bike one is travelling the distance from Lands’ End to UK Dairy Day in Telford, Shropshire, whilst bike two travels from John O’Groats to the event. The Holstein UK Group were devastated to lose their leader, inspiration, colleague and friend who touched so many people over the 25+ years she worked for the company. Sue was the backbone of the company and so passionate in her role. She has mentored many staff over the years and was dedicated to supporting and driving staff development throughout the company. Sue was instrumental in the organisation of UK Dairy Day since its inception in 2014 and, in 2021, she was presented with the ‘Howard Sneesby Award’ for her fantastic contribution over the years to the National Holstein Show. Sue’s immediate family and friends joined the UK Dairy Day team on Sunday 11th September to officially launch ‘Cycle for Sue’. Speaking on behalf of the family, Sue’s partner Chris Rossington said: “Thank you for everyone for participating. It all makes a difference. To be diagnosed with an incurable brain cancer is bad enough but with a cruel twist it also slowly robs a person of all their faculties too. Hopefully, with what can be raised here at UK Dairy Day, we can help inch closer to finding a cure or at the …
2022 Jersey Young Breeders Weekend Results
CALF CLASSES Judge: Mr Peter Cotton PRESENTATION CLASS 1st Lauren Parkhouse 2nd William Spence 3rd Jack Davis 4th Izzy Davis JUNIOR CLASS 1st Emily Wood 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Richard Watson 4th Bethany Wood 5th Ava Dickinson 6th Zara Dickinson 7th Georgie Bertram 8th Oliver Pye INTERMEDIATE CLASS 1st Izzy Davis 2nd Alfie Parkhouse 3rd Mark Grififn 4th Joseph Watson 5th Katie Bertram 6th Freddie Etteridge 7th Euan Bertam SENIOR CLASS 1st Lauren Parkhouse 2nd William Spence 3rd Chloe Peach 4th Cova Butcher 5th Frank Griffin CHAMPION Izzy Davis RESERVE CHAMPION Lauren Parkhouse HONOURABLE MENTION Alfie Parkhouse National Clipping Competition – Novice 1st Jack Davis 2nd Emily Wood 3rd Richard Watson & Ellie Davis 4th Bethany Wood 5th George Bertram & Ava Dickinson 6th Zara Dickinson National Clipping Competition 1st Lauren Parkhouse 2nd Cova Butcher 3rd Chloe Peach 4th Izzy Davis 5th William Spence 6th Frank Griffin Poster Competition 1st Just A Few Jerseys 2nd The Jersey Stars 3rd Flat the the Mat Jerseys 4th Black Smoke Jerseys Junior Stockperson Izzy Davis Overall Stockperson Lauren Parkhouse Most Improved Member Frank Griffin Best Newcomer Joseph Watson Frank Poskitt Award for the member gaining the most from the weekend Ellie Parkhouse Novice Showmanship Richard Watson Junior Showmanship Emily Wood Intermediate Showmanship Izzy Davis Senior Showmanship Lauren Parkhouse Junior Clipping – Novice Jack Davis Senior Clipping Lauren Parkhouse Stockjudging Award Joseph Watson Calf Presentation Just a Few Jerseys Best Team Captain Izzy Davis Top Team Flat to the Mat Jerseys Tidy Lines Jersey Stars Muck Heap Challenge Just a Few Jerseys #proudtobepedigree #jerseycows
The Passing of Her Majesty The Queen
The Jersey Cattle Society of the UK would like to express their great sadness at the passing of our Patron Her Majesty The Queen. Our Board of Trustees and Members extend their deepest condolences to his Majesty the King and all the Royal family. HM The Queen was hugely admired as she devoted her whole life to serve the nation which has reigned for over 70 years.
2022 Jersey Young Breeders Weekend Complete!
A heartfelt thank you to all who came, helped, fed and watered to Showtime Supplies who sponsored our young breeders and above all else, thank you to the Spence Family who did a really wonderful job of hosting the event once again. Skills were learnt Friendships were made See you all next year! #proudtobepedigree #jerseycows
JUDGE: Mr S Wake RESULTS SHOWMANSHIP, Novice/Junior Jersey 1st Charlie McKeeman 2nd Elizabeth McCann 3rd Ella Kennedy 4th Harris Kennedy SHOWMANSHIP, Intermediate Jersey 1st Amy McNeely 2nd Archie McNeely SHOWMANSHIP Mature Jersey 1st Chloe McNeely SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Chloe McNeely RESERVE SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Charlie McKeeman HONOURABLE MENTION Elizabeth McCann JERSEY born on or after 1st March 2022, 1st POTTERSWALLS Dreamer Dawn Maineview JERSEY born between 1st December and 28th February 2022, 1st MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz ET T McKnight & R Black 2nd POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Lady The Fleming Family 3rd WYREFOREST Lemonhead Annette S McCann & A O’Sullivan 4th CAUSEWAYGELN Chrome Tequila C McKeeman 5th POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Glamour 3 The Fleming Family & Mark Henry JERSEY born 1st September 2021 & 30th November 2021 1st TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET The Sizzlers 2nd POTTERSWALLS Blackapple Starlight The Fleming Family 3rd MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz ET M Henry & R Timlin 4th DAMM Jordan Raelynn G&D Simpson 5th PRIESTLAND Ferdinand Snow White John McLean 6th POTTERSWALLS Caliban Lady 2 C McKeeman JERSEY born between 1st January 2021 & 30th April 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Jordon Martha The Fleming Family 2nd UPPERTULLY Maid Lady CA & A McNeely JERSEY CHAMPION TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Blackapple Starlight JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Jordon Martha OVERALL INTERBREED CHAMPION TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET
Farming Life Report on Society AGM at Kingsbeck Jerseys
Farming Life publication has kindly focussed the KINGSBECK herd of John McCosh who kindly hosted the 2022 Society AGM, with over 70 members in attendance. The AGM took place in the morning with members enjoying walking around the KINGSBECK herd in their first-class environment. We are indebted to both John McCosh, Leanne and the team at KINGSBECK along with our sponsors who made the day such a success Click to read the full report: Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 #proudtobepedigree #jerseycows
Milk Production Competition Results, Recording Year 2020-2021
The 2020-2021 Milk Production Competition results were announced at the 2022 AGM. Top ten places are listed in each class, all animals from an ICAR approved recording system with automatic entry for all classes except the Barnowl trophy. Beauty’s Trophy, highest lifetime kilograms of butterfat from a cow passing 50,000kgs of milk in the recording year 1st DE Shaw – GREYLEYS Sweet Dosh: 8th lactation, 54,786kgs milk, 4,007kgs butterfat Champions Cup, highest kilograms of butterfat and protein in a CM qualified lactation 1st The Hunter Family – CLIFTON Aussiegold Samantha: 3rd lactation, 10,90kgs, 8.21, 4.04, 1,337kgs combined. Bred by S & D C Bland Raylands Trophy, highest kilograms of butterfat and protein in a CM qualified lactation. Dam to be RM qualified. Cow and Dam to be bred by owner 1st The Hunter Family – CLYDEVALLEY Ipod Flora: 4th lactation, 12,614kgs, 6.42, 4.09, 1,326kgs combined Foxbury Trophy, highest kilogams of butterfat and protein in a CM qualified lactation, cow classified Excellent 1st The Hunter Family – CLYDEVAlLEY Ipod Flora: 4th lactation, 12,614kgs, 6.42, 4.09, 1,326kgs combined John Ibbotson Memorial Trophy, highest kilograms of milk from a cow classified Excellent during the recording year 1st SE Lane – HAREPLAIN Lemonhead Reagan: 3rd lactation, 13,241kgs, 4.04, 3.37, 981kgs combined Wheldon Memorial Trophy, highest kilograms of butterfat and protein in 3 consecutive CM lactations 1st The Hunter Family – CLYDEVALLEY Rocket Flora 2: lactation’s 5-7, 3,739kgs fat & protein Grosvenor Berry Memorial Trophy, highest kilograms of butterfat and protein in 6 consecutive CM lactations 1st JD Evans – GADDESDEN Tracy: lactations 3-8, 5,373kgs fat & protein. Bred by Mr CW & Mrs BA Wray Secretarys Tropht, highest lifetime yield of butterfat and protein 1st The Fleming Family – POTTERSWALLS Juno Glamour 2 ET: 11 lactations totalling 9,907kgs Barnowl Trophy Best Female Family, three …
A Wonderful Day had by all at Society AGM!
The KINGSBECK herd of John McCosh kindly hosted the 2022 Society AGM, with over 70 members in attendance. The AGM took place in the morning with members enjoying walking around the KINGSBECK herd in their first-class environment. We are indebted to both John McCosh, Leanne and the team at KINGSBECK along with our sponsors who made the day such a success #proudtobepedigree #jerseycows
Jersey Young Breeders Weekend Forms Available Now!
We are extremely grateful to the Spence Family of WOODWAY Jerseys for hosting the 2022 JYB weekend on the 2nd – 4th September. Forms are now available to download Form 1 – General Form Form 2 – Medical Consent Form #futuregeneration #proudtobepedigree
JUDGE: Mr I Howie RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, incalf 1st JUSTAFEW Casino Wind Louise Phillips 2nd JUSTAFEW Casino Anemone JERSEY, COW, in incalf but not in milk 1st DISCOVERY Casino Shayla Mrs N Bottom JERSEY HEIFER, in milk with first calf, not to be more than 2.5 years old at calving 1st JUSTAFEW Crazy Cornflower Louise Phillips JERSEY COW, in milk with second calf, which was produced under the age of 4 years 1st ANSOM Bay DH Oliver Anemone Louise Phillips JERSEY FEMALE PROGENY PAIR BY THE SAME SIRE 1st Louise Phillips JERSEY CHAMPION, JUSTAFEW Crazy Cornflower JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION, ANSOM Bay DH Oliver Anemone JERSEY HONORABLE MENTION DISCOVERY Casino Shayla
Princess Anne Visits Jersey Judging at Royal Welsh Show
The Jersey ring was graced by the presence of Princess Anne during the Breed Championship presentation at the Royal Welsh on Tuesday 19th July. Pictured is Princess Anne congratulating Hefyn Wilson with his champion, TREGIBBY Panama Tequila along with judge Mark Davis of RIVERMEAD and a representative of our class sponsors, NFU,
JUDGE: Mr Mark Davis RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, maiden, not to exceed 18 months of age 1st MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara James Evans 2nd SALFACH Jordan Jasmine Salfach Jerseys 3rd SALFACH Joel Chocolate Salfach Jerseys 4th CERZ Banging Josie Juniper C Jones 5th CERZ Banging Lorna Louise C Jones 6th MYDRIM Coltons Louise James Evans 7th MON Oliver March Pearl Mon Jerseys JERSEY, HEIFER, incalf with first calf 1st MYDRIM Coltons Lovable Tara James Evans 2nd MYDRIM Tequila Ceres James Evans 3rd CERZ Barnabas Lotus C Jones 4th PENBRYN Viral Yarrow WR & M Thomas & Son JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st MYDRIM Rockcliff Miracle Heidi James Evans 2nd CERZ Wilbert Primrose Tulip C Jones 3rd ERIE Tequilabay Grove EM & E & IR Morgan JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION MYDRIM Rockcliff Miracle Heidi RESERVE JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION MYDRIM Coltons Lovable Tara JERSEY COW, any age and in calf, with second or subsequent calf 1st FUTUREDREAMS Ressurection Summertime Veronica James Evans JERSEY COW, in milk with second calf 1st ERIE Victorious Caramel EM, E & IR Morgan 2nd TREGIBBY Engineer Panama WJP Wilson 3rd TREGIBB Yegabomb Dream Girl WJP Wilson 4th MYDRIM Colton New Year Sandy James Evans JERSEY, COW, in milk with fourth or subsequent calf 1st TREGIBBY Panama Tequila WJP Wilson 2nd SAXOWN Colton Heidi 19 James Evans JERSEY, Group of Three 1st WJP Wilson JERSEY BREED CHAMPION TREGIBBY Panama Tequila JERSEY RESERVE BREED CHAMPION ERIE Victorious Caramel JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION TREGIBBY Engineer Panama INTERBREED FUTURITY PAIR MYDRIM & SALFACH Jerseys RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE TREGIBBY Jerseys RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION TREGIBBY Panama Tequila INTEBREED CHAMPION PAIR TREGIBBY Jerseys
JUDGE: Mr J Arrowsmith RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, born in 2020 or 2021 1st DEVAL Video Accordian B&H Griffin 2nd BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 3rd DEVAL Genominator Zilma B&H Griffin JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd DEVAL Genominator Zing B&H Griffin 3rd BARNOWL Sherpa Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk 1st BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot Barnowl Jersey 2nd BARNOWL Lure Azalea Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in-calf 1st DEVAL Joel Violin B&H Griffin 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st BARNOWL Jerseys 2nd Deval Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION, BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION, BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot
Katherines Jerseys – Award Winning Milk!
Congratulations Katherine Jenkinson on winning the Best Liquid Milk Award at Great Yorkshire Show 2022! Katherines also scooped a Third Prize for milk from an individual cow and for strawberry ice cream.
A Great Result for Young Breeders at Great Yorkshire Show!
Congratulations to Izzy Lee (SILVERSPRAKLE) who won the Junior Young Handlers Class at Great Yorkshire Show and Tori Wilson (HAILSTONE) who won the Intermediate class and went on to win Reserve Overall Handler! A fantastic result! #jerseyyoungbreeders
JUDGE: Mr John Waller INTERBREED JUDGE: Mr M Gould RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2021 1st SAXOWN Lonestar Judy 29 The Saxby Family 2nd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa Ravenfield Jerseys 3rd BLYTHBRIDGE Huxford Radiant ML Farming 4th VALLEY Rockwell Lady Mr P Cotton 5th GILBROOK Hurricane Jillian Mr MH Richardson 6th HAILSTONE Safari Winsome 2 Messrs M&D Wilson 7th LLAYWARD Cosmo Joyful Jordan ML Faming 8th KATHERINES Victorious Nightingale Miss KE Jenkinson 9th KATHERINES Ontime Beatrice Miss KE Jenkinson 10th LONGING Day Dream Countess Mr EG Armitage JERSEY HEIFER, in calf, born on or between 1st April and 31st December 2020 1st LONGING Ambition Charm Mr EG Armitage 2nd HEATHWAITE Spannerman Poppy Miss KE Jenkinson JERSEY COW, in calf, not less than 5 months, to be shown with a dry udder 1st RAVENFIELD Action Lassie Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk, which has produced her first and only calf before attaining the age of two and a half years 1st SAXOWN Matt Judy 26 The Saxby Family 2nd COLDEATON Tequila Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious Miss K Scott 4th GILBROOK Viral Prance Mr MH Richardson 5th LONGING Video Daffodil Mr EG Armitage JERSEY JUNIOR COW IN MILK, having calved twice 1st TOOBEES Chrome Alexandra Butterfield & Burton 2nd COLDEATON Excitation Jospehine Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd NETHERVALLEY Tequila Tayberry Messrs M&D Wilson 4th COLDEATON Maya Chief Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 5th LONGING Iatola Virginian Winnie Mr EG Armitage JERSEY, INTERMEDIATE COW IN MILK, having had three calves 1st HONEYGIRLS Welsh Lily Mr E Sugden 2nd COLDEATON Yegabomb Jospehine Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd CHERRYVIEW Legal M Lacey Waring & Birkle 4th GILBROOK Mr T Heritage Mr MH Richardson 5th VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 Mr P Cotton JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk having had four or more calves 1st COLDEATON …
JUDGE: Mr Colin Christophers INTERBREED JUDGE: Mr Edward Griffiths RESULTS AOB MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2021 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Gin Winnie The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Sangria The Davis Family 4th Lonestar Anellie 2 Eleanor Johns AOB HEIFER, in milk, having calved under 36 months of age 2nd RIVERMEAD Rocketman Creamy The Davis Family AOB COW, any age, in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic RESERVE CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie INTERBREED CHAMPION HEIFER RIVERMEAD Rockman Creamy INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE CHAMPION The Davis Family INTERBREED PAIR CHAMPION The Davis Family RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic
JUDGE: Mr Barry Daw INTERBREED JUDGE: Mrs Lisa Window-Walker RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2021 & not in calf 1st BARNOWL Brunell Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys 2nd MOONSHINE Christmas Lady Moonshine Jerseys 3rd EASTPOINT Craze Heidi 2 Oaklands Farming Partners JERSEY, HEIFER, in calf to be up to 2 years and 6 months old at the time of calving 1st MOONSHINE Response Lady Moonshine Jerseys 2nd PORINGLAND Carroza 29 CR Cawston Ltd 3rd BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk having calved her first calf at the age of 2 year s& months or under 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity Smith Farms JERSEY Dry Cow, 1st KINDER Tequila Primrose Smith Farms 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys 3rd JIMMYS Kyros Festivity Boldstar Jerseys JERSEY COW IN MILK or in calf, produced either 30,000kgs of milk at 5% butterfat ot more in 6 lactations of 305 days 1st MOONSHINE Response Java 2nd MOONSHINE Guapo Jave JERSEY, COW IN MILK, with second calf under the age of 4 years 1st BARNOWL Maid Jasmine Barnowl Jerseys 2nd ROSETTE Casino Roulette F8 Rosette Jerseys 3rd BRAYMEADOW Joel Cassie Smith Farms JERSEY, COW, in milk with third calf 1st BARNOWL Joel Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys 2nd CHOLMONDELEY Link Phoebe Marquess of Cholmondeley’ JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk with fourth or subsequent calf 1st MOONSHINE Response Java Moonshine Jerseys 2nd MOONSHINE Guapo Jave Moonshine Jerseys 3rd KINDER Broiler Primrose Smith Farms JERSEY GROUP OF THREE FEMALES 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Moonshine Jerseys JERSEY PAIRS 1st Moonshine Jerseys 2nd Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity JERSEY CHAMPION MOONSHINE Response Java JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity INTERBREED CLASSES HEIFER CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE OVERALL INTERBREED CHAMPION MOONSHINE RESPONSE JAVA RESERVE PAIRS MOONSHINE Jerseys …
2022 Show Results
Throughout the 2022 Show Season, don’t forget to take a look at our show results page to see the latest! Click to view: Saying this, I sadly cannot be at every show and rely on other people or the shows themselves to communicate results with me. Therefore, if you have a local show you exhibit at, please feel free to send the results and any photographs across to me via email: They would be most gratefully received. #proudtobepedigree #showtime
JUDGE: Mr Tom Saxby RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months of age on day of show 1st BARNOWL Brunell Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, or heifer in calf, over 12 months of age on day of show 1st BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Florence 21 Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Brunell Victoria JERSEY, DRY COW, not less than 5 months in calf 1st RAVENFIELD Action Lassie Ravenfield Jerseys 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY, COW, in milk with second calf 1st BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY, COW, in milk with third or subsequent calf 1st RAVENFIELD Susie 5 Ravenfield Jerseys 2nd BARNOWL Joel Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY GROUP OF THREE FEMALES 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY DAM & DAUGHTER 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki
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