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Royal Three Counties Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Mark Davis RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, in calf with first calf, under 3 years of age 1st SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres Mr George Woodward-May 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallulah  Miss Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY COW or HEIFER, in milk  1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Mr Barry Cambridge 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino Time Miss Charlotte Colquhoun JERSEY BREED CHAMPION BURYYHILL Littlestar Rumour JERSEY RESERVE BREED CHAMPION  SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st December 2023 & 28th February 2024 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie Miss Keira Nottage 2nd BURYHILL Engineer Casinotime Mr Kieran Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Lots of Rumour Miss Charlotte Calquhoun JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st September 2023 & 30th November 2023 1st AVALON Addiction Pumpkin Davies & Sales 2nd RIVERVIEW Victorious Narina Davies & Sales JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st May 2023 & 30th August 2023 1st SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres Mr George Woodward-May JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st January 2023 & 30th April 2023 1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Miss Charlotte Calquhoun 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF HEIFERS 1st Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres RESERVE YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie

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Royal Cornwall Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Robert Hunter Interbreed Judge: Mr Andy Cope RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiction Candy The Davis Family 3rd TRENOWETH Ferdinand Bopple Nut The Johns Family 4th CARDINNEY Addiction Glamour RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY HEIFER, incalf  1st RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Ivy RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with second calf which was produced under the age of four years 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Gorgeous Blondie The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Wish Bone RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with third or fourth calf  1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Bopple Nut The Johns Family JERSEY COW, in milk with fifth of subsequent calf 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Dianna Quintrell Jerseys JERSEY, best homebred pair 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY, best group of three 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren BREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION OPEN PAIRS The Davis Family RESERVE INTERBREED HEIFER RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF FIVE The Davis Family & RJ, JR & SM Warren

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Royal Bath & West Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Arwyn Wilson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1 December 2022). Heifers in this class are also permitted to enter the relevant calf classes 1st DREAMMAKER Cheeky Vimto Spry Sarah Howie 2nd STONEBRIDGE Banging Liquorice  Zoe Clear 3rd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Zoe Cambridge 4th JOSIES Explore Happy Birthday 3 Miss Josie Dowding   JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st MOONLIGHT Milkshake Miss Chloe Peach   JERSEY COW OR HEIFER, in calf to produce her second, third or subsequent calf no later than 1 October 2024 1st BURYHILL Colton Aimless Angel Zoe Cambridge   JERSEY HEIFER COW, in milk, having calved her first calf at under 2.5 years of age  1st MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Miss Chloe Peach 2nd DREAMMAKER Lobster Stephanie Sarah Howie 3rd REGATTA Video Craze Sarah Howie 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Zoe Cambridge 5th RIVERMEAD Casino Time Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk having calved two times or more 1st FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil Sarah Howie 2nd WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol Sarah Howie 3rd BURHILL Tequila Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil RESERVE CHAMPION MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly HONOURABLE MENTION WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol

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National Show 2023

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Showmanship Judge: Mr Lynden Bustard Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS ANY OTHER BREEDS HANDLER, AGED 18-26 YEARS 1st Emily Davis 2nd Ellie Saxby 6th Megan Miller Hudson ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 13-17 YEARS 1st Peighton Robertson 3rd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Izzy Davis 7th Alfie Parkhouse ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 7-12 YEARS 1st Keira Nottage 3rd Jack Davis JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER CHAMPION  Emily Davis RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER Ellie Saxby JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 3rd AMOS Moonlight Xanthia New Park Farm 4th BURYHI Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambride 5th STONEBEIDGE Banging Liquorice Zoe Clear JERSEY CALF, born 1st October 2022 to 31st December 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Askn Cyber The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Askn Lexi The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Askn For Apple Pie The Davis Family 4th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY CALF, born from 1st July to 30th September 2022 1st TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom Futuredreams Partnership 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Fay The Davis Family 3rd SAXOWN Casette Cash 128 The Saxby Family 4th STONEBRIDGE Holeinone Fancy Fizz Zoe Clear 5th MOONLIGHT Ferdinand Monica Chloe Peach 6th MOONLIGHT Milkshake Chloe Peach JERSEY CHAMPION TYFRI Ferdinana Queen Blossom RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine INTERBREED CHAMPION CALF TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom JERSEY, maiden heifer born on or between 1st January & 30th June 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The David Family 2nd MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy James Evans 3rd QUINTRELL Webcam Andromenda Quintrell Jerseys 4th MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach JERSEY, incalf heifer born on or before 31st December 2022, incalf with first calf to calve under 2.5 years 1st DISCOVERY Chrome Carly Zoe Clear 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino …

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All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2023

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Showmanship Judge: Mrs Izzy Laird Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS AJUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Finley Burrows 3rd William Seaton 5th Siwan Efa Williams B-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Phoebe Hine 4th Isla Banks 6th Katie Bertram C-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 1st Isla Arrell 2nd Izzy Davis 3rd Iain Howie 5th Ellie Atkinson 6th Alfie Parkhouse INTERMEDIATE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 13 & 15 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023  1st Peighton Robertson 2nd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Joanna Dale SENIOR HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 16 & 20 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Sioned Morris 3rd Katie Watson MATURE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 21 & 26 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 3rd Hannah Saxby JERSEY CHAMPION Isla Arrell RESERVE CHAMPION Sioned Morris HONOURABLE MENTION Izzy Davis JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd UPTOWN Coco Spice Katie Watson 3rd RIVERMEAD Addiction Carly The Davis Family 4th MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 5th SILVERSPARKLE Ferdinand Aria Izzy Lee 6th MYDRIM Chocochip Coronation Tara Ed Seaton 7th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambridge 8th COLDEATON Stag Alison Rainbow Coldeaton Jerseys 9th DREIGIAU Seren Dreigiau Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st December 2022 & 28th February 2023 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Riley Gwen Cochrane 2nd SAXOWN Ferdinands Valentine Judy 34 The Saxby Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 4th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 5th KATHERINES Spanner Man Sophia Katherine Jenkinson 6th BAR-M Chocochip Fern Isla Bar-M Jerseys 7th BAR-M Moonlight Sparkling Rosie Bar-M Jerseys 8th COLDEATON Phoenix Josephine Coldeaton Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st September & 30th November 2022 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Colin & Izzy …

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UK Dairy Day 2023

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sangria The Davis Family 2nd SKIDDAW Lemonhead Tilly  Kerry Scott 3rd HONEYFIELDS Come Dancing  Honeyfields Jerseys 4th HAILSTONE Oliver-P Samantha Who M&D Wilson 5th TREGIBBY Victorious Sunshine Adam Fagg JERSEY Junior Cow, in milk, having had two calves 1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Sian & Kevin Rickard 2nd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious Kerry Scott 3rd ANSOM Casino Samsybil Sian & Kevin Rickard 4th SAXOWN Mayy Judy 26 The Saxby Family 5th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 6th BRASTEAD Governor Revenant GR Edgar & Son JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having had four calves 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Arrell 3rd WELLHOUSE Colton Emerald Wellhouse Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION  RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION RIVERMEAD Casino Samsybil

Ashby Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr M Smith RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer born in 2021 or 2022 1st DEVAL Video Accordian Mr B Griffin   JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st WOODWAY Lemonhead Adele Woodway Jerseys 2nd DEVAL Video Zircon Mr B Griffin   JERSEY COW, in milk 1st WOODWAY Engineer Woolly Woodway Jerseys   JERSEY COW, in calf  1st DEVAL Joel Violin Mr B Griffin   JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Woodway Jerseys 2nd Mr B Griffin     JERSEY Calf 1st WOODWAY Askn Cadell Woodway Jerseys BREED CHAMPION WOODWAY Engineer Woolly RESERVE BREED CHAMPION DEVAL Joel Violin

Lincolnshire Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RAVENFIELD Casino Lassie RF & JF Heath   JERSEY HEIFER, incalf  1st LONGING Daydream Countess EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa RF & JF Heath 4th BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys   JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st LONGING Ambition Charm EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Telford Jasmine  Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Jess RF & JF Heath   JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION  LONGING Ambition Charm   JERSEY COW, dry 1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Action Lassie RF & JF Heath   JERSEY COW, in milk 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Florence 21 RF & JF Heath     GROUP OF THREE JERSEYS 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RF & JF Heath 3rd EG Armitage PROGENY PAIR 1st RF & JF Heath 2nd Barnowl Jerseys BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot RESERVE BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki

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Royal Cornwall Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr L Dunne, Queensland, Australia RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st QUINTRELL Webcam Andromeda J, M & C Colwell 2nd CARDINNEY Thumper Ferdinand Yarrow 5 RJ, JR & SM Warren   JERSEY HEIFER, incalf due to calve no later than 31st October 2023 1st TRENOWETH Doyle Glitter A Johns 2nd MOORVIEW Banging Savannah AR & DL Walters   JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie AR & DL Walters 2nd CARDINNEY Engineer Rebel 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 3rd QUINTRELL Lonestar Youtube J, M & C Colwell 4th QUINTRELL Blue Holly J, M & C Colwell 5th QUINTRELL Blue Calendula J, M & C Colwell   JERSEY DRY COW, due to calve before 1st October 2023  1st MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters   JERSEY COW, in milk or in calf, any age and produced a lifetime yield of 22,700kgs of milk 1st QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 2nd MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters    JERSEY COW, in second lactation 1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Bapple Nut A Johns   JERSEY COW, in third or later lactation 1st CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 3rd MOORVIEW Tillys Sassy Girl AR & DL Walters JERSEY PAIR BRED BY THE EXHIBITOR 1st RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd J, M & C Colwell 3rd AR & DL Walters JERSEY GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS 1st J, M & C Colwell 2nd AR & DL Walters BREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RESERVE CHAMPION WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Babble Nut HONOURABLE MENTION MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie INTERBREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3

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Royal Bath & West Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Tim Garry RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1st December 2021) 1st GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Les & Tracy Rockett 3rd MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach 4th JOSIES Devinci Lemonade Josie Dowding 5th BURYHILL Littlestar Marissa Zoe Cambridge 6th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st GREENWAY Excitation Lori Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour 2 Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Littlestar Honey Zoe Cambridge 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Tequila Zoe Cambridge JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk, having calved not more than twice 1st BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having calved three times or more  1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Kevin & Sian Rickard JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd Zoe Cambridge 3rd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo

Balmoral Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Blaise Tomlinson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st September 2021 1st SAXOWN Addiction Judy Mr Martin King JERSEY HEIFER, not in milk, born on or after 1st September 2020 & on or before 31st August 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY HEIFER, in milk, calved under 3 years of age  1st POTTERSWALLS Jamie Lady 4 The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Everest Sarah Clandeboye Estate  3rd POTTERSWALLS Casino Lady 2 The Fleming  Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Mr Martin King 5th CLANDEBOYE Casino Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY COW, in milk having had two calvings  1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Emperor Fantasia Clandeboye Estate 3rd PRIESTLAND Fizz Harmonica The McLean Family  JERSEY COW, in milk having had three or more calvings  1st POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Bamber Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS 1st The Fleming Family 2nd Clandeboye Estate 3rd The Fleming Family JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr James Waring RESERVE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR The Fleming Family CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP The Fleming Family

Devon County Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Miss Carol Pledge RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2022 1st BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 2nd KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Dream PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Mr & Mrs Rockett 4th KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Babybelle PV Lawrence   JERSEY HEIFER, MAIDEN Born on or before 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2022 1st BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RIVERMEAD Video Ivy PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Mr & Mrs Rockett   JERSEY HEIFER, incalf, not to be more than 30 months of age at the time of calving  1st OLYMPIC Casino Belladonna PV Lawrence 2nd GREENWAY Excitation Lori Mr & Mrs Rockett   JERSEY COW, dry anf at least five months in calf, any age  1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys    JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months  1st BARNOWL Brunel Victoria  Barnowl Jerseys    JERSEY COW, in milk, second or third lactation 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk, fourth lactation or higher 1st BARNOWL Everest Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION BARNOWL Everest Vicki INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr Malcolm Huxtable CHANNEL ISLAND CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION INMILK HEIFER GREENWAY Windstar Cara RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP BARNOWL Jerseys RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR BARNOWL Maid Victoria RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY ANIMAL BARNOWL Maid Victoria

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Borderway Dairy Expo

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Jenny Thomas RESULTS JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER 1st ASHFOLD VIP Doris A&L Rimmer 2nd FLAIR Popstar Flair Jerseys 3rd BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Blyth Farms 4th SKIDDAW Banging Susie JA & Y Raven 5th RUBY Almondene Levine Harriett H Rawcliffe JERSEY INCALF HEIFER BORN IN 2021 1st BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan G&G Templeton 2nd VALLEY Rockwell Lady Peter Cotton 3rd HONEYFIELDS Chrome Panama Honeyfields Jerseys 4th CARLDANTON Lemon Jellybean Anthony Grimshaw 5th SKIDDAW Matt Dolly JA & Y Raven 6th KATHERINES Ontime Beatrice Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan RESERVE JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION  VALLEY Rockwell Lady HONOURABLE MENTION JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION ASHFOLD VIP Doris TWO YEAR OLD JERSEY 1st HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance Honeyfields Jerseys 2nd KERRICKS Keystone Rosheen Kerricks Farm 3rd CLANEL Video Daisybelle Heuchan Family 4th KILLINGTON Video Eleanor J&R Waller 5th KATHERINES Matt Amelia Katherine Jenkinson 6th THISTLEROSE Disco Salsa Jane & Phil Arrell JERSEY THREE YEAR OLD 1st SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 The Saxby Family 2nd STUDDAH Endeavour Casinos Glamour J Pratt & S Clapham 3rd SKIDDAW Megapower Bluebell JA & Y Raven 4th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 5th KILLINGTON Excitation Cash J&R Waller 6th KATHERINES Rascal Harriet Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY SENIOR COW, 1st RIVERMEAD Minx Candy The Davis Family 2nd CLIFTON Barnabas Clover TA & ML Jackson & Daughters 3rd KATHERINES Rascal Fragrance Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Minx Candy RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 HONOURABLE MENTION HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance PREMIER BREEDER AWARD Honeyfield & Blyth Farms PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARD Honeyfields Jerseys PREMIER SIRE OF THE SENIOR SHOW RIVER VALLEY Venus VIP

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Royal Ulster Winter Fair

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Pierre Boulet, Canada RESULTS INTERMEDIATE SHOWMANSHIP 6th Jack King SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP 4th Ailsa Fleming JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st June 2021 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET The Sizzlers Syndicate 2nd POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Lady The Fleming Family 3rd POTTERSWALLS Black Apple Starlight The Fleming Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Maid Delight 2 Jack King 5th MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritzer Ryan Black & Tom McKnight 6th CLANDEBOYE Victorious Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY HEIFER, incalf,  1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET  JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK, calved by three years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Lady 3 The Fleming Family 2nd LOGAN Chrome Chicago Clive & Joel Richardson 3rd KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Jack King 4th CLANDEBOYE Chrome Marble 2 Clandeboye Estate 5th BALLYEALAN Engineer Louise Tom Lynch & Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk in second lactation 1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd KIRKINRIOLA Oliver-P Delight Jack King JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk in third or later lactation 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour The Fleming Family 2nd BALLYEALAN Tequila Louise Tom Lynch & Family 3rd GLANMOR Jebb Elisha Clandeboye Estate JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz HONOURABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Dawn INTERBREED CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Niels Eric Haahr, Denmark RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER,  1st CLYDEVALLEY Cruz Mintberry The Hunter Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW,  1st CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold The Hunter Family 2nd TREGIBBY Colton Dreamgirl Adam Fagg JERSEY SENIOR COW 1st SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Grace Arrell 2nd CLYDEVALLEY Illustrious Puddleduck The Hunter Family  JERSEY CHAMPION CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Joel Judy 21

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South West Scotland Dairy Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK,  1st LOGAN Chrome Caribbean BG Yates & Son & G Jones 2nd KERRICKS Judo Fizz Kerricks Farm 3rd TINTOVIEW Citation Cuddle Buchanan Family   JERSEY COW IN MILK  1st TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie Buchanan Family   JERSEY CHAMPION LOGAN Chrome Caribbean JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie

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All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2022

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Mrs Anna Stable JERSEY CALF CLASSES: Mr Ian Collins RESULTS COLOURED BREEDS SHOWMANSHIP, Class 1a, 12 years of age or under on 1st January 2022 (10 entries) 2nd Keira Nottage 3rd Archie Lee 4th Finn Burrows 5th Molly Fox 6th Zara Norman Class 1b, 12 years of age and under on 1st January 2022 (6 entries), 2nd Isla Banks 3rd Phoebe Hine 5th Jake Waring  Class 1c, 12 years of age and under on 1st January 2022 (11 entries)  2nd Izzy Davis 9th Oscar Yates 11th Freddie Etteridge Intermediate Handlers, aged 13 to 15 years on January 1st 2022 (19 entries) 1st Ellis Caldwell 4th William Spence 8th Lily Cleave 9th Hanna Evans 15th Chloe Peach Senior Handlers, aged 16 to 20 years on January 1st 2022 (12 entries) 1st Abi Marshall 2nd Ellie Saxby 5th Katie Thompson 7th Zoe Walters Mature Handlers, aged 21 to 27 years on January 1st 2022 (12 entries) 1st Hannah Saxby 5th Katherine Jenkinson 6th Zoe Coates 8th Bethan Greenhalgh Champion Abi Marshall Reserve Champion Ellie Saxby Honourable Mention Hannah Saxby JERSEY CALF CLASSES JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2022 1st MYDRIM ROCKCLIFF Franks Wish Heidi James Evans 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The Davis Family 3rd MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy James Evans 4th RIVERMEAD Victorious Candy Glanmor & Saxown Jerseys 5th GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries L Rockett & T Marshall 6th HATRICK Rockwell Time Hattie Thomasson 7th BLYTHBRIDGE Dell Rhea Archie Lee 8th RIVERMEAD VIP Lolly Izzy & Archie Lee 9th ARRANVIEWS Webcam Veronica K&A Lawrie 10th POTTERSWALLS Levine Magic 2 11th GREYLEYS Huxford Annette 232 Sarah Liddle 12th ROSETTE Casino When Skies Are Grey Veronica Adam Fagg JERSEY, born between 1st December 2021 & 28th February 2022 1st VALLEY Rockwell Lady Peter Cotton 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica TH Futuredreams Partnership …

Jersey Cattle Society National Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

SHOWMANSHIP JUDGE: Mr Mike Deakins CALF CLASSES JUDGE: Mr Duncan Hunter WEDNESDAY NATIONAL SHOW CLASSES JUDGE: Mr Duncan Hunter RESULTS AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 18-26 YEARS 1st Emily Davis 2nd Ellie Saxby 4th Amy Wonnacott 6th Cova Butcher AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 13-17 YEARS 2nd Lily Cleave 4th Chloe Peach AOB SHOWMANSHIP, 7-12 YEARS 1st Izzy Davis 5th Keira Nottage 7th Alfie Parkhouse JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Emily Davis JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP RESERVE CHAMPION Ellie Saxby INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Emily Davis RESERVE INTERBREED SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Ellie Saxby JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2022 1st FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica Futuredreams Partners 2nd NEW VENTURE Animate Cyber 2 Mrs Susan Oakes  3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Mr L Rockett & Miss T Marshall 4th RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The Davis Family 5th MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach 6th AMOS Craze Mell Amy Wonnacott JERSEY CALF, born from 1st October 2021 to 31st December 2021 1st MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara JD Evans 2nd SAXOWN Gamble Cash 122 The Saxby Family JERSEY CALF, born from 1st July to 30th September 2021  1st RIVERSIDE Casino Hazelnut 2 The Llewellin Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Gin Winnie The Davis Family 3rd NEW VENTURE Jordan Grove 3 Mrs Susan Oakes 4th RIVERMEAD Matt Lexi The Davis Family 5th MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Chloe Peach 6th NEW VENTURE Jordan Grove 4 Mrs Susan Oakes 7th RIVERMEAD Casino Alexsis The Davis Family 8th HILTONBURY Perfect Yami Mr Oliver Neagle JERSEY CHAMPION,  FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION,  MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara INTERBREED CHAMPION CALF,  FUTUREDREAMS Valentines Magic Veronica JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or between 1st January & 30th June 2021 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd MOORVIEW Banging Savannah AR & DL Walters 3rd HILTONBURY Engineer Yellow Sugar Mr Oliver Neagle 4th GREENWAY Jamie Amaretto Mr L Rockett & Miss T …

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Eddie Barrett RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, incalf 1st WINDYRIDGE Barbarian Kimberley PE Manning 2nd SAXOWN Matt Judy 26 The Saxby Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Lemonhead Ivy The Davis Family 4th MOONSHINE Ambition Bramble B Etteridge   JUNIOR COW, in milk, having had two or three calves 1st ERIE Victorious Caramel E M & E & Iwan Morgan 2nd DARNLAW Colton Glitz PE Manning 3rd VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 P Cotton 4th RIVERMEAD Yegabomb Kestrel The Davis Family 5th TREGIBBY Yegabomb Blusher AH Wilson & Son 6th TYRINGHAM Mac Rosa PE Manning JERSEY SENIOR COW IN MILK, having had 4 or more calves  1st TREGIBBY Panama Tequila AH Wilson & Son 2nd MOONSHINE Response Java B Etteridge   JERSEY CHAMPION,  ERIE Victorious Caramel JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION,  TREGIBBY Panama Tequila JERSEY HONORABLE  MENTION WINDYRIDGE Barbarian Kimberley


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr S Wake RESULTS SHOWMANSHIP, Novice/Junior Jersey 1st Charlie McKeeman 2nd Elizabeth McCann 3rd Ella Kennedy 4th Harris Kennedy SHOWMANSHIP,  Intermediate Jersey 1st Amy McNeely 2nd Archie McNeely SHOWMANSHIP Mature Jersey 1st Chloe McNeely SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Chloe McNeely RESERVE SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Charlie McKeeman  HONOURABLE MENTION Elizabeth McCann JERSEY born on or after 1st March 2022,  1st POTTERSWALLS Dreamer Dawn Maineview JERSEY born between 1st December and 28th February 2022,  1st MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz ET T McKnight & R Black 2nd POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Lady The Fleming Family 3rd WYREFOREST Lemonhead Annette S McCann & A O’Sullivan 4th CAUSEWAYGELN Chrome Tequila C McKeeman 5th POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Glamour 3 The Fleming Family & Mark Henry JERSEY born 1st September 2021 & 30th November 2021 1st TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET The Sizzlers 2nd POTTERSWALLS Blackapple Starlight The Fleming Family 3rd MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz ET M Henry & R Timlin 4th DAMM Jordan Raelynn G&D Simpson 5th PRIESTLAND Ferdinand Snow White John McLean 6th POTTERSWALLS Caliban Lady 2 C McKeeman JERSEY born between 1st January 2021 & 30th April 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Jordon Martha The Fleming Family 2nd UPPERTULLY Maid Lady CA & A McNeely   JERSEY CHAMPION TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Blackapple Starlight JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Jordon Martha OVERALL INTERBREED CHAMPION TREASURE Adreas Fernleaf ET


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JUDGE: Mr I Howie RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, incalf 1st JUSTAFEW Casino Wind Louise Phillips 2nd JUSTAFEW Casino Anemone JERSEY,  COW, in incalf but not in milk 1st DISCOVERY Casino Shayla Mrs N Bottom JERSEY HEIFER, in milk with first calf, not to be more than 2.5 years old at calving  1st JUSTAFEW Crazy Cornflower Louise Phillips JERSEY  COW, in milk with second calf, which was produced under the age of 4 years 1st ANSOM Bay DH Oliver Anemone Louise Phillips JERSEY  FEMALE PROGENY PAIR BY THE SAME SIRE 1st Louise Phillips  JERSEY CHAMPION,  JUSTAFEW Crazy Cornflower JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION,  ANSOM Bay DH Oliver Anemone JERSEY HONORABLE  MENTION DISCOVERY Casino Shayla

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Mark Davis RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, maiden, not to exceed 18 months of age 1st MYDRIM Victorious Love Me Tara James Evans 2nd SALFACH Jordan Jasmine Salfach Jerseys 3rd  SALFACH Joel Chocolate Salfach Jerseys 4th CERZ Banging Josie Juniper C Jones 5th CERZ Banging Lorna Louise C Jones 6th MYDRIM Coltons Louise James  Evans 7th MON Oliver March Pearl Mon Jerseys JERSEY,  HEIFER, incalf with first calf 1st MYDRIM Coltons Lovable Tara James Evans  2nd MYDRIM Tequila Ceres James Evans 3rd CERZ Barnabas Lotus C Jones 4th PENBRYN Viral Yarrow WR & M Thomas & Son JERSEY HEIFER, in milk  1st MYDRIM Rockcliff Miracle Heidi James Evans 2nd CERZ Wilbert Primrose Tulip C Jones 3rd ERIE Tequilabay Grove  EM & E & IR Morgan JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION MYDRIM Rockcliff Miracle Heidi  RESERVE JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION MYDRIM Coltons Lovable Tara JERSEY COW, any age and in calf, with second or subsequent calf 1st FUTUREDREAMS Ressurection Summertime Veronica James Evans JERSEY  COW, in milk with second calf 1st ERIE Victorious Caramel EM, E & IR Morgan 2nd TREGIBBY Engineer Panama WJP Wilson 3rd TREGIBB Yegabomb Dream Girl WJP Wilson 4th MYDRIM Colton New Year Sandy James Evans JERSEY,  COW, in milk with fourth or subsequent calf 1st TREGIBBY Panama Tequila WJP Wilson 2nd SAXOWN Colton Heidi 19 James Evans JERSEY,  Group of Three 1st WJP Wilson JERSEY BREED CHAMPION TREGIBBY Panama Tequila JERSEY RESERVE BREED CHAMPION ERIE Victorious Caramel  JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION TREGIBBY Engineer Panama   INTERBREED FUTURITY PAIR MYDRIM & SALFACH Jerseys  RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE TREGIBBY Jerseys RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION TREGIBBY Panama Tequila INTEBREED CHAMPION PAIR TREGIBBY Jerseys 


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JUDGE: Mr J Arrowsmith RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, born in 2020 or 2021 1st DEVAL Video Accordian B&H Griffin 2nd BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 3rd DEVAL Genominator Zilma B&H Griffin JERSEY,  HEIFER, in milk 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd DEVAL Genominator Zing B&H Griffin 3rd BARNOWL Sherpa Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk  1st BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot Barnowl Jersey 2nd BARNOWL Lure Azalea Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY  COW, in-calf 1st DEVAL Joel Violin B&H Griffin 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY  GROUP OF THREE 1st BARNOWL Jerseys 2nd Deval Jerseys   JERSEY CHAMPION,  BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION,  BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot  

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JUDGE: Mr John Waller INTERBREED JUDGE: Mr M Gould RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2021  1st SAXOWN Lonestar Judy 29 The Saxby Family 2nd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa Ravenfield Jerseys 3rd BLYTHBRIDGE Huxford Radiant ML Farming 4th VALLEY Rockwell Lady Mr P Cotton 5th GILBROOK Hurricane Jillian Mr MH Richardson 6th HAILSTONE Safari Winsome 2 Messrs M&D Wilson 7th LLAYWARD Cosmo Joyful Jordan ML Faming 8th KATHERINES Victorious Nightingale Miss KE Jenkinson 9th KATHERINES Ontime Beatrice Miss KE Jenkinson 10th LONGING Day Dream Countess Mr EG Armitage JERSEY HEIFER, in calf, born on or between 1st April and 31st December 2020 1st LONGING Ambition Charm Mr EG Armitage 2nd HEATHWAITE Spannerman Poppy Miss KE Jenkinson JERSEY COW, in calf, not less than 5 months, to be shown with a dry udder 1st RAVENFIELD Action Lassie Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk, which has produced her first and only calf before attaining the age of two and a half years 1st SAXOWN Matt Judy 26 The Saxby Family 2nd COLDEATON Tequila Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious Miss K Scott 4th GILBROOK Viral Prance Mr MH Richardson 5th LONGING Video Daffodil Mr EG Armitage JERSEY JUNIOR COW IN MILK, having calved twice 1st TOOBEES Chrome Alexandra Butterfield & Burton 2nd COLDEATON Excitation Jospehine Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd NETHERVALLEY Tequila Tayberry Messrs M&D Wilson 4th COLDEATON Maya Chief Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 5th LONGING Iatola Virginian Winnie Mr EG Armitage JERSEY,  INTERMEDIATE COW IN MILK, having had three calves 1st HONEYGIRLS Welsh Lily Mr E Sugden 2nd COLDEATON Yegabomb Jospehine Coldeaton Jersey Dairy 3rd CHERRYVIEW Legal M Lacey Waring & Birkle 4th GILBROOK Mr T Heritage Mr MH Richardson 5th VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 Mr P Cotton JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk having had four or more calves 1st COLDEATON …

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JUDGE: Mr Colin Christophers INTERBREED JUDGE: Mr Edward Griffiths RESULTS AOB MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2021 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Gin Winnie The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Sangria The Davis Family 4th Lonestar Anellie 2 Eleanor Johns   AOB HEIFER, in milk, having calved under 36 months of age 2nd RIVERMEAD Rocketman Creamy The Davis Family   AOB COW, any age, in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family   CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic RESERVE CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie   INTERBREED CHAMPION HEIFER RIVERMEAD Rockman Creamy  INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE CHAMPION The Davis Family  INTERBREED PAIR CHAMPION The Davis Family   RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Barry Daw INTERBREED JUDGE: Mrs Lisa Window-Walker RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2021 & not in calf 1st BARNOWL Brunell Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys 2nd MOONSHINE Christmas Lady Moonshine Jerseys 3rd EASTPOINT Craze Heidi 2 Oaklands Farming Partners  JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf to be up to 2 years and 6 months old at the time of calving 1st MOONSHINE Response Lady Moonshine Jerseys 2nd PORINGLAND Carroza 29 CR Cawston Ltd 3rd BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk having calved her first calf at the age of 2 year s&  months or under 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity Smith Farms JERSEY Dry Cow, 1st KINDER Tequila Primrose Smith Farms 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys 3rd JIMMYS Kyros Festivity Boldstar Jerseys JERSEY COW IN MILK or in calf, produced either 30,000kgs of milk at 5% butterfat ot more in 6 lactations of 305 days 1st MOONSHINE Response Java 2nd MOONSHINE Guapo Jave JERSEY,  COW IN MILK, with second calf under the age of 4 years 1st BARNOWL Maid Jasmine Barnowl Jerseys 2nd ROSETTE Casino Roulette F8 Rosette Jerseys 3rd BRAYMEADOW Joel Cassie Smith Farms JERSEY, COW, in milk with third calf 1st BARNOWL Joel Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys 2nd CHOLMONDELEY Link Phoebe Marquess of Cholmondeley’ JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk with fourth or subsequent calf 1st MOONSHINE Response Java Moonshine Jerseys 2nd MOONSHINE Guapo Jave Moonshine Jerseys 3rd KINDER Broiler Primrose Smith Farms JERSEY GROUP OF THREE FEMALES 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Moonshine Jerseys JERSEY PAIRS 1st Moonshine Jerseys 2nd Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity JERSEY CHAMPION MOONSHINE Response Java JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION BRAYMEADOW Engineer Eternity INTERBREED CLASSES HEIFER CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE OVERALL INTERBREED CHAMPION MOONSHINE RESPONSE JAVA RESERVE PAIRS MOONSHINE Jerseys …

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JUDGE: Mr Tom Saxby RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, under 12 months of age on day of show 1st BARNOWL Brunell Jasmine 3 Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY,  MAIDEN HEIFER, or heifer in calf, over 12 months of age on day of show 1st BARNOWL Brunell Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Florence 21 Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki JERSEY RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BARNOWL Brunell Victoria   JERSEY, DRY COW, not less than 5 months in calf 1st RAVENFIELD Action Lassie Ravenfield Jerseys 2nd BARNOWL Invictus Bouquet Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY, COW, in milk with second calf 1st BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY, COW, in milk with third or subsequent calf 1st RAVENFIELD Susie 5 Ravenfield Jerseys 2nd BARNOWL Joel Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY GROUP OF THREE FEMALES 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY DAM & DAUGHTER 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki

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JUDGE: Mr Glyn Lucas RESULTS ANY OTHER BREED, HEIFER, born before 1st June 2020 1st BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan Blythbridge Holsteins 2nd PADKIN Lemonhead Sassy A&W Padkin 5th PADKIN Chrome Rosie A&W Padkin    

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JUDGE: Miss Carol Pledge RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, 12-18 months old 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Alexsis The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Lonestar Ceres The Davis Family 3rd JUSTAFEW Casino Anemone Mr & Mrs P Phillips 4th RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf, due to calve no later than 31st October 2022, to be not more than 2 1/2 years  1st JUSTAFEW Casino Wind Mr & Mrs P Phillips 2nd MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie Mr AR & Mrs DL Walters JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 2 1/2 years 1st JUSTAFEW Crazy Cornflower Mr & Mrs P Phillips 2nd RIVERMEAD Rocketman Creamy The Davis Family     JERSEY, JUNIOR COW, in milk, or in calf, which has produced a total lifetime yield of 22,700kgs of milk in officially recorded lactation periods 1st ANSOM Tyler Cyber Mr & Mrs P Phillips JERSEY, COW, in milk with second calf, which was produced under the age of four years (second lactation) 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic  The Davis Family 2nd ANSOM D H Oliver Bayi Anemone Mr & Mrs P Phillips JERSEY, JERSEY, cow in milk with third or subsequent calf (3rd or later lactation) 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family JERSEY, PAIR,  1st The Davis Family 2nd Mr & Mrs P Phillips     JERSEY, GROUP OF THREE 1st The Davis Family 2nd Mr & Mrs P Phillips BREED CHAMPION, ANSOM Tyler Cyber RESERVE BREED CHAMPION, RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie HONOURABLE MENTION, RIVERMEAD Casino Sonic        


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Richard Saxby Calf Classes: Mr James Evans RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1st December 2020) 1st MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Miss Chloe Peach 2nd BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour 2 Miss Zoe Cambridge 3rd MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Miss Chloe Peach 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Honey Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf, with first calf at under three years of age 1st OLYMPIC Lavolta Craze Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER, in milk having calved her first calf at under three years 1st OLYMPIC Gorgeous Valentine Miss Sarah Howie 2nd BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula Miss Zoe Cambridge 3rd MOONLIGHT Mitz Miss Chloe Peach   JERSEY, JUNIOR COW, in milk, having calved not more than twice 1st FUTUREDREAMS Colton Easter Daffodil Miss Sarah Howie JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk, having calved three times or more 1st JOSIES Excitation Stevie Miss Josie Dowding 2nd DREAMMAKER Vegas Bomb Charmer Miss Sarah Howie JERSEY, Group of Three, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY, PAIR, the property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Miss Zoe Cambridge 2nd Miss Chloe Peach   BREED CHAMPION, JOSIES Excitation Stevie RESERVE BREED CHAMPION OLYMPIC Gorgeous Valentine  CALF CLASS, Any other dairy bred heifer, born on or between 1st December 2021 and 28th February 2022 1st MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Miss Chloe Peach CALF CLASS, Any other dairy bred heifer, born between 1st September & 30th November 2021 3rd PHOENIX Colton Locket Miss Rosalea Brown  CALF CLASS, Any other dairy bred heifer, born on or between 1st May & 31st August 2021 1st MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Miss Chloe Peach CALF CLASS, Any other dairy breed, born on or between 1st January & 30th April 2021 2nd BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour 2 Miss Zoe Cambridge CALF …


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JUDGE: Mrs A Stable RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, aged 9-18 months  1st Mr EG Armitage 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys 3rd Alexander Fort-Minish JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf, 1st Hattie Stapleton 2nd Mr EG Armitage JERSEY COW, in calf,  1st Honeygirls Jerseys 2nd Ravenfield Jerseys JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk,  1st Mr EG Armitage 2nd Honeygirls Jerseys JERSEY, COW, in milk 1st The Coates Family 2nd Honeygirls Jerseys 3rd Mr EG Armitage JERSEY, Best Pair 1st Mr EG Armitage 2nd Honeygirls Jerseys

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JUDGE: RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, born on or after 1st September  1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Evening The Fleming Family JERSEY,  HEIFER, in milk, calved under three years of age 1st PRIESTLAND Fizz Harmonica The McLean Family JERSEY COW, in milk, having had two calvings  1st POTTERSWALLS Skipper Magic The Fleming Family 2nd POTTERSWALLS Dazzler Elisha The Fleming Family JERSEY, COW, in milk, having had three or more calvings 1st POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn The Fleming Family 2nd POTTERSWALLS Impression Magic 2 The Fleming Family JERSEY, Pair 1st The Fleming Family 2nd The Fleming Family JERSEY, Champion POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn Reserve Champion POTTERSWALLS Impression Magic 2 BEST JERSEY HEIFER, PRIESTLAND Fizz Harmonica INTERBREED CHAMPION, POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn RESERVE INTERBREED PAIRS, The Fleming Family RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF THREE, The Fleming Family

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JUDGE: Ms Terri Packard, Maryland, USA RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER,  1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf The Summer Sizzlers 2nd Blythbridge VIP Reagan Blyth Farms 3rd Ingleview Casino Blackberry TA & ML Jackson 4th Katherines Knock Out Gin Fizz Katherine Jenkinson 5th Hailstone Safari Winsome 2 Mark & Diane Wilson JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf 1st KATHERINES Spanner Man Penny Katherine Jenkinson 2nd Clanel Video Daisybelle Heuchan Family 3rd Katherines Matt Amelia Katherine Jenkinson 4th Nethervalley Lemonhead Regina Kerry Scott 5th Skiddaw Jeronimo Tia JA & Y Raven JERSEY Junior Champion Treasure Andreas Fernleaf Reserve Champion Katherines Spanner Man Penny Honourable Mention Blythbridge VIP Reagan     JERSEY, Two Year Old 1st Skiddaw Megapower Bluebell JA & Y Raven 2nd Threapland Maid Faith Miss Amy Bowness JERSEY, Three Year Old 1st Nethervalley Tequila Tayberry Mark & Diane Wilson 2nd Gibraltar Viral Adder Eddie Burrow JERSEY, Senior Cow 1st Honeygirls Welsh Lily Honeygirls Jerseys 2nd Toobees Chrome Alexandra Butterfield & Burton 3rd Flair Topeka Poppy Flair Jerseys 4th Cllifton Barnabas Clover TA & ML Jackson 5th Clifton Chavez Denise TA & ML Jackson 6th Hailstone Valentino Winsome 2 Mark & Diane Wilson 7th Guillyhill Tequila Jezz TA & ML Jackson 8th Pip Yegabomb Faith Miss Amy Bowness   GRAND CHAMPION, HONEYGIRLS Welsh Lily   RESERVE CHAMPION, SKIDDAW Megapower Bluebell   HONOURABLE MENTION, TOOBEES Chrome Alexandra   PREMIER BREEDER, Katherine Jenkinson   PREMIER EXHIBITOR, Katherine Jenkinson

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JUDGE: Mr Edward Griffith RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st June 2020 1st POTTERSWALLS Fillpail Tracy The Fleming Family 2nd DAMM Video Ruby G & D Simpson 3rd CLANDEBOYE Everest Evita Clandeboye Estate 4th POTTERSWALLS Jordon Glamour The Fleming Family JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf 1st CLANDEBOYE  Chrome 1 Evita Clandeboye Estate 2nd POTTERSWALLS Engineer Glora The Fleming Family JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk, must have calved by three years of age 1st CLANDEBOYE Caramel Cookie Clandeboye Estate 2nd LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 3rd POTTERSWALLS Craze Magic The Fleming Family JERSEY HEIFER CHAMPION (IN MILK),  CLANDEBOYE Caramel Cookie RESERVE Heifer Champion LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz JERSEY JUNIOR HEIFER CHAMPION (MAIDEN OR IN CALF),  POTTERSWALLS Fillpail Tracy RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION CLANDEBOYE Chrome 1 Evita JERSEY, JUNIOR COW IN MILK, second lactation 1st POTTERSWALLS Joel Glamour The Fleming Family JERSEY, JUNIOR COW, in third or later lactation 1st CLANDEBOYE Tequila Cookie Clandeboye Estate 2nd POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour The Fleming Family 3rd CLANDEBOYE Chrome Evita Clandeboye Estate JERSEY, BREED CHAMPION CLANDEBOYE Tequila Cookie RESERVE BREED CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour JERSEY, PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARD The Fleming Family INTERBREED CHAMPION, CLANDEBOYE Tequila Cookie   EXHIBITOR BRED INTERBREED CHAMPION, CLANDEBOYE Tequila Cookie   INTERBREED HEIFER CHAMPION, CLANDEBOYE Caramel Cookie   INTERBREED JUNIOR CHAMPION, POTTERSWALLS Fillpail Tracy

2021 Cornwall Club Herd Competition

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Tim Garry RESULTS JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, 12-18 MONTHS 1st HAYVALLEY Lets Video Dance The Renfree Family 2nd TRENOWETH Barcelona Lily The Johns Family 3rd CARDINNEY Machine Candy 10 The Warren Family   JERSEY HEIFER IN CALF 1st CARDINNEY Bontino Ashley 21 The Warren Family 2nd WHITENHILL Riley Luga The Johns Family 3rd BOJEWYAN Dazzler Yelino The Murley Family JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK 1st CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 The Warren Family 2nd QUINTRELL Chief Faith The Colwell Family 3rd HONEYFIELDS Casino Belle The Renfree Family JERSEY DRY COW 1st CARDINNEY Wonderman Cocoa 2 The Warren Family 2nd TORVALLEY Joel Jersey Jazz The Renfree Family 3rd TRENITHON Lemonhead Fauna  The Williams Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW IN MILK 1st HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie The Renfree Family 2nd CARDINNEY Wonderman Wishful The Warren Family 3rd TRENGILLY Valentino Crimson AJC Carter JERSEY SENIOR COW 1st SOWDEN Hilux Miranda The Warren Family 2nd SPICE Just So Daisy The Renfree Family 3rd QUINTRELL Reagan Scarlett The Colwell Family GROUP OF THREE, same sire or from the same dam 1st ELLIOTS Regency Casino The Renfree Family 2nd RAPIDBAY Reagan The Colwell Family 3rd CARDINNEY Irwin Wonderman The Warren Family PRODUCTION & INSPECTION 1st TORVALLEY Joel Jazz The Renfree Family 2nd QUINTRELL Reagan Scarlett The Colwell Family 3rd SOWDEN Hilux Miranda The Warren Family    LIFETIME PRODUCTION 1st GLANMOR Julian Winc The Warren Family 2nd QUINTRELL Rocket Igloss The Nicholls Family 3rd QUINTRELL Exceptional Devotion The Colwell Family   DAM & DAUGHTER SHIELD 1st QUINTRELL Reagan Annabella & QUINTRELL Viral Anya The Colwell Family 2nd TRENITON Topeka Cornet & TRENITHON Headliner Cornet The Wiliams Family 3rd GLANMOR Julian Winc & CARDINNEY Ladd Winkle The Warren Family LARGE HERD 1st The Colwell Family 2nd The Nicholls Family 3rd The Murley Family MEDIUM HERD 1st The Warren Family 2nd The Williams …

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Showmanship Judge: Mr Stuart Williams Jersey Classes: Mr Iwan Morgan RESULTS JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPIONSHIP Champion: Jessica Ravenhill-White Reserve Champion: Chloe Braithwaite Honourable Mention: Peighton Robertson JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st March 2021 1st SAXOWN Casino Heidi 34 The Saxby Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino Princess Tweeny The Davis Family 3rd MYDRIM Victorious Tara JD Evans  4th MYDRIM Rockcliffs Tequilas March Heidi JD Evans 5th PIERREPONT Disco Lola Mr Michael WN Clear 6th NETHERVALLEY Chrome Waltz Neil Hodge 7th SAXOWN Victorious Vera The Saxby Family 8th RIVERMEAD Casino Blossom The Davis Family JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st March 2021 1st BEES Tequila Rosemary Bethan Jayne Greenhalgh 2nd REGATTA Video T Ariel GW & M Coates & Son 3rd FUTUREDREAMS Casino In Any Event Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 4th GREENWAY Jamie Amaretto L Rockett & T Marshall 5th RIVERMEAD Matt Tor The Davis Family 6th NETHERVALLEY RS Lemon Candy R&M Scott JERSEY CALF, born between 1st September & 30th November 2020 1st MYDRIM Volcanos Tracy JD Evans 2nd MYDRIM Coltons Lovable Tara JD Evans 3rd REGATTA Video C Ariel Isabelle Harriet Lee 4th NETHERVALLEY Barnabas Vivacious R&M Scott 5th THISTLEROSE Disco Salsa Jane & Phil Arrell 6th CLANEL Video Daisybell Neil Heuchan 7th RIVERMEAD Matt Lets Dance The Davis Family 8th COLDEATON Valentino Absorbine Coldeaton Jerseys 9th GREENWAY Bancroft Toffee Crisp L Rockett & T Marshall 10th LONGING Barcelona Rosebay EG Armitage JERSEY CALF, born between 1st May & 31st August 2020 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Lexi The Davis Family 2nd MOONSHINE Engineer Lady Ben Etteridge 3rd RIVERMEAD Casino Sunberry The Davis Family 4th TREGIBBY Casino Dreamgirl AH Wilson & Son 5th COLDEATON Valentino Sandpiper Coldeaton Jerseys 6th MYDRIM Tequilas Tracy JD Evans 7th FLAIR Dazzling Poppet Gwen Cochrane 8th PIERREPONT Oliver P Malibu Mr Michael WN Clear   JERSEY CALF, …

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Showmanship Judge: Ms Laura Sales Jersey Classes: Mr David Christophers RESULTS CHANNEL ISLAND SHOWMANSHIP aged 16-20 years,   1st Emily Davis CHANNEL ISLAND SHOWMANSHIP aged 12-15 years ,  1st Chloe Peach CHANNEL ISLAND SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPIONSHIP Emily Davis OVERALL SHOWMANSHIP Emily Davis JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2021 1st RIVERMEAD Abe Princess The Davis Family JERSEY CALF, born on or between 1st October 2020-31st December 2020 1st RIVERMEAD Matts Lets Dance The Davis Family 2nd PRINCESSTILSTAR Barcelona Birch Michael Oakes JERSEY CALF, born on or between 1st July 2020 – 30th September 2020 1st PRINCESSTILLSTAR Video Belle Michael Oakes CHAMPION JERSEY CALF RIVERMEAD Abe Princess  The Davis Family RESERVE JERSEY CALF PRINCESSTILLSTAR Video Belle Michael Oakes INTERBREED CALF CHAMPION – RESERVE RIVERMEAD Matt Lets Dance   JERSEY HEIFER, born on or between 1st April 2020 – 30th June 2020 1st RIVERMEAD Bubba Lexi The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino Sunberry The Davis Family JERSEY HEIFER, born on or between 1st January 2020 – 31st March 2020 1st ANSOM Crazey Nouvelle Miss Chloe Peach JERSEY IN CALF HEIFER, born on or between 1st April 2019 and 31st December 2019 1st POOLEBAY Devinci Mell Amy Wonnacott 2nd PRINCESSTILSTAR CC Rosielee Birch Michael Oakes JERSEY PAIRS 1st The Davis Family 2nd Michael Oakes CHAMPION  RIVERMEAD Bubba Lexi RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY RIVERMEAD Casino Sunberry RESERVE INTERBREED PAIR The Davis Family RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF 3 The Davis Family & Mr Michael Oakes INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Bubba Lexi    

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Alan Timbrell RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, born on or after 1st September 2019 1st POTTERSWALLS Engineer Gloria The Fleming Family   JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf, under 3 years 1st KATHERINES Oliver-P Black Velvet Katherine Jenkinson    JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk, calved under 3 years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS VIP Starlight The Fleming Family 2nd POTTERSWALLS Joel Harp The Fleming Family   JERSEY,  COW, in calf but not in milk, born prior to 1st September 2018 1st CLANDEBOYE Chrome Evita Clandeboye Estate     JERSEY, COW, in milk, having calved twice 1st POTTERSWALLS Impression Magic 2 The Fleming Family 2nd POTTERSWALLS Joel Glamour The Fleming Family 3rd CLANDEBOYE Bamber Brunette Clandeboye Estate   JERSEY,  COW, in milk, having had three or more calvings 1st POTTERSWALLS Excitation Glamour The Fleming Family 2nd GLANMOR Jebb Elisha Clandeboye Estate   JERSEY,  PAIR OF ANIMALS, bona fide the property of one exhibitor & entered in the classes for which they are eligible 1st The Fleming Family 2nd The Fleming Family       BREED CHAMPION,POTTERSWALLS Excitation Glamour RESERVE BREED CHAMPION, POTTERSWALLS Impression Magic 2 HONOURABLE MENTION, CLANDEBOYE Jebb Elisha BEST JERSEY HEIFER, heifer & dam bred by Exhibitor, Champion – POTTERSWALLS VIP Starlight Reserve – POTTERSWALLS Joel Harp INTERBREED CHAMPION, POTTERSWALLS Excitation Glamour RESERVE INTERBREED PAIR, The Fleming Family INTERBREED CHAMPION GROUP, The Fleming Family  SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP,  1st Ailsa Fleming    

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr James Waring RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, maiden, under 15 months 1st CLANEL Video Daisybelle Heuchan Family 2nd KILLINGTON Lemon Eileen  J&R Waller 3rd KILLINGTON Video Eleanor J&R Waller 4th LAYWARD Victory Belle Katherine Jenkinson 5th BODKIN Megladon Day Dream T&G Parkinson 6th BAYVIEW Colton Charity GM & DJ Pye JERSEY,  HEIFER, in calf, under 3 years 1st KATHERINES Oliver-P Black Velvet Katherine Jenkinson  JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk, calved under 3 years 1st BAYVIEW Nuance Skip 16 GM  DJ Pye 2nd HAILSTONE Viral Samantha Who M&D Wilson 3rd KATHERINES Oliver P Eleanor Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY, COW, in milk, calved twice 1st BAYVIEW Victorious Design 19 GM & DJ Pye 2nd BODKIN Yegabomb Daffodil T&G Parkinson JERSEY,  COW, in milk, calved three times 1st KILLINGTON Miro Rohini J&R Waller 2nd BAYVIEW Echo Design 16 GM & DJ Pye JERSEY,  COW, in milk, calved four times or more 1st BAYVIEW Conquerer Thyme 4 GM & DJ Pye 2nd KATHERINES Jenny Ontime Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY, PAIR of females 1st GM & DJ Pye 2nd J&R Waller 3rd Katherine Jenkinson BREED CHAMPION,BAYVIEW Nuance Skip 16 RESERVE BREED CHAMPION, BAYVIEW Victorious Design 19 BEST EXHIBTOR BRED, BAYVIEW Nuance Skip 16 BEST UDDER, BAYVIEW Nuance Skip 16 JUNIOR CHAMPION, GM & DJ Pye RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION, M&D Wilson

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UK Dairy Day

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Ben Etteridge RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Minx Candy The Davis Family 2nd ERIE Victorious Caramel EM, E & Iwan Morgan 3rd TREGIBBY Yegabomb Blusher AH Wilson & Son 4th ENCHANTED Tequila Ariel The Coates Family 5th SWEETPEA Gold Jasmine Isla Arrell 6th STONEBRIDGE Change Up Tooty Frootie Mr M Clear & Miss Z Clear 7th MYDRIM Volcanos Tara JD Evans JERSEY,  JUNIOR COW, in milk 1st SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Arrell 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Ressurection Summertime Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 3rd VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 PM Cotton 4th RIVERMEAD Impression Alexsis The Davis Family 5th DISCOVERY Coltons Cassandra  Mr M Clear & Miss Z Clear JERSEY, SENIOR COW, in milk, having had four or more calves (4 Entries) 1st BLUEGRASS Sams Dreaming AH Wilson & Son 2nd SAXOWN Precision Cash 89 The Saxby Family 3rd SAXOWN Colton Heidi 19 JD Evans 4th RIVERMEAD Joel Candy The Davis Family JERSEY CHAMPIONSHIP,  Champion: BLUEGRASS Sams Dreaming Reserve Champion: RIVERMEAD Minx Candy Honourable Mention: SAXOWN Joel Judy 21


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Charles Reader RESULTS JERSEY, HEIFER, born on or after 1st January 2020 1st NEWVENTURE Video Cyber S Oakes 2nd BAR-M Jordan Rosa Bar-M Jerseys 3rd BAR-M Jordan Fern-Isla BAr-M Jerseys   JERSEY,  HEIFER, incalf 1st BAR-M Barcelona Generous Bar-M Jerseys 2nd ANSOM Craze Nouvelle L Isherwood 3rd PRINCESSTILLSTAR CC Rosie Lee Birch S Oakes   JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk, having calved under the age of two and a half years 1st BAR-M Barcelona Rosebay Bar-M Jerseys 2nd KNAYTON Engineer Lark Bar-M Jerseys 3rd BAR-M Joel Debutante Bar-M Jerseys    JERSEY,  YOUNG COW, in milk 1st VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 P Cotton   BREED CHAMPION,VALLEY Excitation Precious 2 RESERVE BREED CHAMPION BAR-M Barcelona Rosebay   GROUP OF THREE, Entered in the above classes and the property of the same Exhibitor 1st BAR-M Jerseys   GROUP OF TWO FEMALES, By one Sire, or out of one dam, or a dam and her daughter, bred by and the property of the same exhibitor  1st BAR-M Jerseys 2nd  S Oakes   


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Richard Saxby RESULTS LARGE HERD 1st BAYVIEW GM & DJ Pye 2nd HEATHWAITE A Jenkinson MEDIUM HERD 1st KILLINGTON J & K Waller 2nd MOORHOUSE Messrs Watson 3rd SKIDDAW JA & Y Raven SMALL HERD 1st HAILSTONE M & D Wilson 2nd THREAPLAND Bowness Farms Ltd 3rd JAYTEE W Taylor 4th BLUESTONE D Jones 5th CLANEL Heuchan Family 6th KATHERINES K Jenkinson BEST HOMEBRED COW 1st KILLINGTON Excitation Eleanor 2 J & K Waller 2nd HAILSTONE Fantom Samantha Who M & D Wilson 3rd BLUESTONE Global Anna D Jones 4th BAYVIEW Echo Design 16 GM & DJ Pye 5th THREAPLAND Yegabomb Faith Bowness Farms Ltd 6th KATHERINES Jenny Ontime Katherine Jenkinson BEST NON-HOMEBRED COW         1st SHELLEN Zartola Xavier GM & DJ Pye 2nd SHELLEN Fantom March M & D Wilson 3rd MONUMENT Beautiful Starlight Bowness Farms Ltd 4th KERBANKS Fantom March JA & Y Raven 5th BAYVIEW Chrome Twinkle 32 W Taylor 6th POTTERSWALLS Joel Daisybelle 2 Heuchan Family BEST HOMEBRED HEIFER 1st SKIDDAW Jebb Gina JA & Y Raven 2nd BAYVIEW Nuance Skip 16 GM & DJ Pye 3rd MOORHOUSE Victorious Amber Messrs Watson 4th HAILSTONE Viral Samantha Who M & D Wilson 5th KATHERINES Oliver-P Eleanor K Jenkinson 6th KILLINGTON Tequila Eleanor J & K Waller GROUP OF THREE 1st GM & DJ Pye 2nd M & D Wilson 3rd Bowness Farms Ltd 4th J & K Waller 5th Messrs Watson 6th JA & Y Raven PRODUCTION & INSPECTION CLASS 1st SKIDDAW Abilitys Clare 2 JA & Y Raven 2nd BAYVIEW Branson Elsie 7 GM & DJ Pye 3rd MOORHOUSE Riley Amber Messrs Watson 4th KILLINGTON Excitation Eleanor J & K Waller 50,000kg Cow 1st BAYVIEW Famtom Gwen 3 GM & DJ Pye 2nd SKIDDAW Ability Clare 2 JA & Y Raven 3rd …

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr David Gray RESULTS JERSEY, SHOWMANSHIP CLASSES JUNIOR Handler, under 12 years old: 1st Archie McNeely  Intermediate Handler, between 13 – 15 years 1st Amy McNeely Senior Handler, aged 16-20 years 1st Ailsa Fleming 2nd Chloe McNeely Champion: Ailsa Fleming (POTTERSWALLS) Reserve Champion: Amy McNeely (UPPERTULLY) Honorable Mention: Chloe McNeely (UPPERTULLY) JERSEY, HEIFER, born on or after 1st March 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Victorious Season The Fleming Family JERSEY, Heifer born between 1st December 2020 – 28th February 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Devinci Cash The Fleming Family 2nd KIRKINRIOLA Graze Thistle Jack King     JERSEY, HEIFER, born between 1st September 2020 – 30th November 2020 1st DAMM Video Ruby George & David Simpson 2nd CLANDEBOYE Everest Evita Clandeboye Estate 3rd POTTERSWALLS Jamie Lady The Fleming Family 4th LOGAN Chrome Chicago Clive & Joel Richardson JERSEY HEIFER, born between 1st May 2020 – 31st August 2020 1st POTTERSWALLS Joyride Coralie Will Patton JERSEY HEIFER, born between 1st January 2020 – 30th April 2020 1st POTTERSWALLS Engineer Floria The Fleming Family 2nd ELITE Amazon Primrose Clandeboye Estate     JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Engineer Gloria The Fleming Family RESERVE CHAMPION DAMM Video Ruby George & David Simpson HONORABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Devinci Cash The Fleming Family


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr James Evans RESULTS JERSEY, MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2020 1st SWEETPEA Gold Jasmine Miss I Arrell JERSEY, HEIFER, in milk having calved by 2.5 years 1st SWEETPEA Gold Jellibean Miss I Arrell BREED CHAMPION,SWEETPEA Gold Jellibean RESERVE BREED CHAMPION SWEETPEA Gold Jasmine

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Mark Nicholls RESULTS ALL BREEDS, COW, due to calve before 1st January 2022, Any Breed 2nd HENNIKERS Global Fan Milki EX91 The Renfree Family ALL BREEDS COW, in milk, not due to calve before 1st January 2022 2nd GLANMOR Barcelona Firestick The Renfree Family ALL BREEDS, HEIFER, in calf or in milk, born after 1st August 201, Any Breed 3rd HONEYFIELDS Casino Belle VG88 2yr The Renfree Family ALL BREEDS,MAIDEN HEIFER, born after 1st August 2019 1st HAYVALLEY Yegabomb Orangutan The Renfree Family  JERSEY CHAMPION, HONEYFIELDS Casino Belle VG88 The Renfree Family RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY GLANMOR Barcelona Firestick VG89 The Renfree Family

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGES: Mr B Etteridge RESULTS MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2020 1st SAXOWN Casino Judy 27 RJ & CA Saxby 2nd LONGING Ambition Charm Design Daydream UK 3rd LAYWARD Divines Chica Bonita Miss KE Jenkinson 4th RAVENFIELD Stubby Tilly JF & S Heath CHAMPION MAIDEN HEIFER SAXOWN Casino Judy 27 RESERVE CHAMPION MAIDEN HEIFER LONGING Ambition Charm HEIFER, in calf, born on or between 1st April & 31st December 2019 1st LONGING Itaskas Fillpail Fizz Design Daydream UK 2nd KATHERINES Oliver P Black Velvet Miss KE Jenkinson COW, in calf, not less than 5 months 1st KATHERINES Jenny Ontime Miss KE Jenkinson HEIFER, in milk, which has produced her first and only calf before attaining the age of two and a half years (10 Entries) 1st ENCHANTED Tequila Ariel (Best Udder) Coates Family 2nd BLUEGRASS Tequila Merry Jane R & E Butterfield 3rd NETHERVALLEY Tequila Tayberry M & D Wilson 4th SAXOWN Casino Judy 24 RJ & CA Saxby 5th COLDEATON Excitation Josephine Mr JC Stubbs 6th GILBROOK Viral Design Richardson Family JUNIOR CHAMPION ENCHANTED Tequila Ariel RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION BLUEGRASS Tequila Merry Jane JUNIOR COW, in milk, having calved twice          1st GREYLEYS Chili Del Ivory 198 (Best Udder) Mr DE Shaw 2nd VALLEY Excitation Precious Mr P Cotton 3rd COLDEATON Yegabomb Josephine Mr JC Stubbs 4th GILBROOK Tara Pippa Richardson Family 5th LONGING Excitation Winnie Longing Jerseys INTERMEDIATE COW, in milk, having had three or four calves (8 Entries) 1st COLDEATON Tequila Alison Mr JC Stubbs 2nd SAXOWN Bruce Judy 20 RJ & CA Saxby 3rd COLDEATON Reagan Alison Ravenfield Jerseys 4th GILBROOK Ballard Pippa Richardson Family 5th LONGING Legal Lassie (Best Udder) Longing Jerseys 6th HAILSTONE Tequila Winsome 2 M & D Wilson SENIOR COW, in milk, having had five or more calves (4 Entries) …

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGES: Andrew & Jennifer Vander Meulen RESULTS JUNIOR CALF, born 1st January 2021 – Present (10 Entries) 1st TRENOWETH Engineer Sweetheart – The Johns Family 2nd HAYVALLEY Jordan Milki – The Renfree Family 3rd TRENOWETH Devinci Ruby – The Johns Family   JUNIOR CALF, born 1st July 2020 – 31st December 2020 (8 Entries) 1st FOXHOLE Dynomite Regal – Dawn Coryn 2nd CHYANHALL Citation Voice – Tom Eddy 3rd CHYANHALL Chrome Pride – Tom Eddy INTERMEDIATE CALF, born 1st MArch 2020 – 30th June 2020 (7 Entries) 1st WESTMILL Wilbert Liesel – Gwavas Jerseys 2nd HAYVALLEY Casino Tara – The Renfree Family 3rd HAYVALLEY Video Flash Tracy – The Renfree Family SENIOR CALF, born 1st November 2019 – 28th February 2020 (5 Entries)          1st HAYVALLEY Yegabomb Orangutan – The Renfree Family 2nd CARDINNEY Machine Osier 16 – The Johns Family 3rd CARDINNEY Taupe Hamper 8 – The Johns Family MATURE CALF, born 1st July 2019 – 31st October 2019 (6 Entries) 1st SUNNYDAWN Oliver Crabapple – The Renfree Family 2nd WESTMILL Stag Amanda – Gwavas Jerseys 3rd WESTMILL Chilli Tamarisk – Gwavas Jerseys CHAMPION FOXHOLE Dynomite Regal RESERVE CHAMPION SUNNYDAWN Oliver Crabapple MOST POINTS IN THE COMPETITION The Renfree Family

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Michael Heath, USA RESULTS JUNIOR CALF, born 1st January 2020 – 30th June 2020 (4 Entries)  1st HAYVALLEY Colton Cameo DW & GN Renfree & Family 2nd HAYVALLEY Casino Tara DW & GN Renfree & Family 3rd WESTMILL Zummit Sunlight William Bowman 1st over 2nd: She is wider in the pins & has more depth & openness of rib. Furthermore she has more quality and dairyness throughout. 2nd over 3rd: has more length & stretch to her frame, she also displays more cleanliness & is flatter in the bone in the hock. 3rd over 4th: squarer in the frame & has more overall balance and is also straighter in her hind leg placement. INTERMEDIATE CALF, born 1st September 2019 – 31st December 2019 (6 Entries) 1st HAYVALLEY Crazy G Milki DW & GN Renfree & Family 2nd CARVINACK Gunner Dream Wayne Jeffery 3rd CARVINACK Chocolette Wayne Jeffery 1st over 2nd: has more length & extension to her frame. She also displays more quality & dairyness throughout. 2nd over 3rd: has more style & balance, she is also a little cleaner cut throughout. 3rd over 4th: has a smoother blending of parts as she has a straighter top line and has more depth of rib. SENIOR CALF, born 1st May 2019 – 31st August 2019 (6 Entries) 1st SUNNYDAWN Oliver Crabapple DW & GN Renfree 2nd CARVINACK Sunnydawn Violet Wayne Jeffery 3rd TRENITHON Devinci Whimsical The Williams Family 1st over 2nd: This calf has more length of frame & displays more overall style. I also feel she appears to be more of a total overall heifer and her correctness of hind feet & legs. 2nd over 3rd: She has more overall quality & appears to be a silkier made heifer. She is also squarer made in her frame & …

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mrs Lena Lewis RESULTS LARGE HERD,  1st Quintrell Michael, Claire & Jenny Colwell 2nd Whitenhill B & J Ravenhill-White 3rd Cardinney JR Warren SMALL HERDS, 1st Riverview Chris & Connie Creeper 2nd Coomber TM & JA Garry 3rd Hollesley Miss H Day JUNIOR COW 1st Cardinney Wonderman Wishful JR Warren 2nd Saxown Bruce Judy 20 The Saxby Family 3rd Sunnydawn Colton Tummelberry Chris & Connie Creeper INTERMEDIATE COW 1st Quintrell Spectrum Dianna Michael, Claire & Jenny Colwell 2nd Whitenhill Rileys Coleus B & J Ravenhill-White 3rd Hannah’s Tequila Monica Chris & Connie Creeper, Jess Tapp & Emily Gay SENIOR COW 1st Quintrell Ballard Devotional 2nd Saxown Success Alexandra The Saxby Family 3rd Quintrell Klipper Devotional Chris & Connie Creeper HEIFER, In Milk            1st Maunlake Oliver P Day Dream        Chris & Connie Creeper 2nd Rivermead Rufus Echo  The Davis Family 3rd Quintrell Circus Rose Michael, Claire & Jenny Colwell HEIFER, IN CALF 1st Coomber Oliver P Who 37 TM & JA Garry 2nd Kit Bontino Primrose 735 JE & PNJ Scott 3rd Whitenhill Casinos Delahay B & J Ravenhill-White GROUP OF THREE, by the same bull or out of the same cow 1st Whitenhill Jerseys, progeny of River Valley Cece Chrome 2nd Riverview Jerseys, progeny of Sunset Canyon Maximus 3rd Quintrell Jerseys, progeny out of Quintrell Reagan Annabelle DAM & DAUGHTER 1st Whitenhill Coltons Lorinda & Whitenhill Gupaos Lorena B & J Ravenhill-White 2nd Quintrell Reagan Annabella & Quintrell Viral Anya Michael, Claire & Jenny Colwell 3rd Coomber Envoys Rose 38 & Coomber Grandious Rose 44 TM & JA Garry HERD PRODUCTION & INSPECTION 1st Whitenhill 2nd Cardinney 3rd Coomber TWO DAUGHTERS BY A HOMEBRED OR ENGLISH BULL, 1st Quintrell Jerseys by Whitenhill Valentinos Costus 2nd Cardinney Jerseys, daughters by Cardinney Irwin …


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Mr Logan Courtney RESULTS SENIOR COW, In Milk, fourth lactation or more (7 Entries) 1st Quintrell Ballard Devotional Mike & Claire Colwell 2nd Westmill Broiler Blackberry    WJ Bowman 3rd Sunnydawn Success Peach The Renfree Family JUNIOR COW, In Milk, 2 or 3 lactations (9 Entries) 1st Quintrell Spectrum Dianna Mike & Claire Colwell 2nd Torvalley Joel Jazz The Renfree Family 3rd Cardinney Wonderman Wishful JR & SM Warren DRY COW (8 Entries), 1st Carvinnack Star Delia Wayne Jeffery 2nd Moorview Tilly Zoe Walters 3rd Winkland Completes Annette AJC Carter MAIDEN HEIFER, 12-18 Months (8 Entries)          1st Cardinney Timekeeper Starlight          JR & SM Warren 2nd Lynfield Belle              The Basher Family 3rd Whitenhill Rosevelts Red Bopple Nut  The Johns Family   HEIFER, In Calf, (7 Entries) 1st Olympic Victorious Veronica The Renfree Family 2nd Cardinney Primero Wish Bone JR & SM Warren 3rd Westmill Harris Dianne WJ Bowman HEIFER, In Milk (7 Entries) 1st Whitenhill Lorenzos Luga The Johns Family 2nd Quintrell Circus Rose Mike & Claire Colwell 3rd Honeyfields Victorious Laramie The Renfree Family PRODUCTION & INSPECTION, (7 Entries) 1st Ansom Ontime Melba – 540 Points    The Renfree Family 2nd Sowden Hilux Miranda – 466 Points       JR & SM Warren 3rd Quintrell Ballard Devotional – 457 Points  Mike & Claire Colwell LIFETIME PRODUCTION CLASS, (7 Entries) 1st Glanmor Julian Winc – 983 Points JR & SM Warren 2nd Quintrell Rocket Igloss – 897 Points Mike & Claire Colwell 3rd Sunnydawn Rocket Keiserite – 851 Points The Williams Family CHAMPION: Quintrell Spectrum Dianna “This beautiful cow is the definition of what I look for in a modern, balanced dairy cow. She has the width & capacity throughout to easily carry her to the …


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Jane Steel RESULTS ALL BREEDS, Young Handler 1st  Jake Waring  ALL BREEDS, MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2019 3rd HAYVALLEY Yegabomb Orangutan  The Renfree Family     ALL BREEDS, HEIFER, in milk 2nd HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie    The Renfree Family   ALL BREEDS, JUNIOR COW, in milk 3rd CHERRYVIEW Joel Lacey Mrs JM Waring ALL BREEDS, SENIOR COW, in milk 3rd ANSOM On Time Melba The Renfree Family JERSEY CHAMPION CHERRYVIEW Joel Lacey RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGE: Glen Johns RESULTS ALL BREEDS, COW, due to calve before 1st January 2021, Any Breed 1st ANSOM On Time Melba EX94              The Renfree Family 3rd OLYMPIC Tequila Milki The Renfree Family ALL BREEDS, HEIFER, in calf or in milk, born after 1st August 2017, Any Breed 1st HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie VG88 The Renfree Family ALL BREEDS,COW, in milk, not due to calve before 1st January 2021 1st TORVALLEY Joel Jazz JERSEY CHAMPION, ANSOM On Time Melba The Renfree Family RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie The Renfree Family

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGES: Jersey Classes – Mr Michael Hurst; Supreme Classes – Mr Russell Gammon; Showmanship – Mr Jamie Howard RESULTS JERSEY, Maiden Heifer 1st HAYVALLEY Yegabomb Orangutan David Renfree 2nd MOORVIEW Valiant Tasty AR & DL Walters 3rd MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie           AR & DL Walters 4th SALFACH Viral Naughty Salfach Jerseys 5th SALFACH Change Up Marie     Salfach Jerseys 6th WHITENHILL Santas Strawberry Miss Sophie Carpenter 7th KIRKINRIOLA Dazzler Magic Jack King 8th CREAMFIELD DJ Roxy        Ceri Powell 9th SUNNYDAWN Oliver Crabapple David Renfree 10th HAYVALLEY Crazy G Milki David Renfree JERSEY, Incalf Heifer 1st SALFACH Viral Trixi Salfach Jerseys 2nd SALFACH Viral Miss Molly      Salfach Jerseys 3rd SALFACH Brownies Larrisa      Tracy Marshall 4th LONGDENDALE Wizard Muffler       Miss Sophie Carpenter 5th MOORVIEW Tillys Sassy Girl Miss Zoe Walters JERSEY,Inmilk Heifer 1st SALFACH Viral Nova Salfach Jerseys 2nd SALFACH Joel Lollipop Salfach Jerseys 3rd – non member 4th HONEYGIRLS Welsh Lily Edward Sugden 5th HONEYFIELDS Victorious Laramie    David Renfree 6th RIBBLEVALLEY Viral Verity Ceri Powell JERSEY,Dry Cow 1st SALFACH LC Jamie Salfach Jerseys 2nd LANSTAR Alexis        Tasha Arber JERSEY, Second Calver 1st TORVALLEY Joel Jazz David Renfree 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Exciting Daffodil David Renfree JERSEY, Senior Cow 1st SAXOWN Precision Cash 89 Richard Saxby 2nd Katherines Jenny On Time Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY CHAMPION SAXOWN Precision Cash 89 The Saxby Family RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION Katherines Jenny On Time Katherine Jenkinson SUPREME HEIFER CHAMPION SALFACH Viral Nova RESERVE SUPREME CHAMPION SAXOWN Precision Cash 89 ALL BREEDS SHOWMANSHIP JUNIOR: 3rd Liam Ramaker 4th Sophie Carpenter INTERMEDIATE: 2nd Jack King SENIOR: 1st Awen Jones OVERALL CHAMPION: Awen Jones

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Members & Breeders News, Show Results

JUDGES: Giuseppe Beltramine (Italy), Pierre Boulet (USA), Mark Nutsford (UK), Mark Rueth (USA) and Kurt Wolf (USA) RESULTS COLOURED BREEDS, born January 2020 onwards 1st HAYVALLEY Yegabomb OrangutanThe Renfree Family 3rd OLYMPIC LH Viva La VidaL & P Robertson Best Presented: HAYVALLEY Yegabomb Orangutan COLOURED BREEDS, born October 1st – December 31st 2019 2nd KIRKINRIOLA Dazzler MagicJack King Best Presented: KIRKINRIOLA Dazzler Magic COLOURED BREEDS, born 1st July – 31st September 2019 2nd      SUNNYDAWN Oliver CiderappleChloe Peach COLOURED BREEDS, born 1st April – 30th June 2019 2nd CREAMFIELD DJ RoxyTom & Ceri Partnership

The Greatest Online Agricultural Show

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Phil Arrell RESULTS CHANNEL ISLAND MAIDEN HEIFER(5 Entries) Layward Cosmocolitan DelightA Harvey & T Wake Creamfield DJ RoxyTom & Ceri Partnership Edhill Lady’s Man Freda Kirkinriola Dazzler MagicJack King Broadleaze Brogdon Margaret CHANNEL ISLAND INCALF HEIFER (6 Entries) Lucky Cow Ladys AnnabelleDawn Coryn Discovery Broiler SnowdriftSusan, Sarah & Iain Howie Moorview Yega Tasty SavannahZoe Walters Olympic Victorious BellaMrs LJ Robertson Longdendale Engineer GraceTom & Ceri Partnership CHANNEL ISLAND HEIFER IN MILK(2 Entries) Glanmor Barcelona LexiGlanmor Jerseys Heathwaite Chrome ChristinaKatherine Jenkinson CHANNEL ISLANDS COW, in second lactation(3 Entries) Olympic Response BelladonnaMrs LJ Robertson Glanmor Weapon EllieMartin King Sharnford Indian Acres Prada Bounty CHANNEL ISLAND COW, in third lactation(5 Entries) Trengothal Tequila BandannaSusan, Sarah & Iain Howie Glanmor Fantom Scary ScreamGlanmor Jerseys Glanmor Hurcules OpakiGlanmor Jerseys Katherines Sophia GovernorKatherine Jenkinson Heathwaite Irwin PricillaKatherine Jenkinson BREED CHAMPION Trengothal Tequila Bandanna RESERVE BREED CHAMPION Glanmor Fantom Scary Scream HONOURABLE MENTION Olympic Response Belladonna GALLERY

Borderway UK Dairy Expo

Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Pat Conroy, Indiana RESULTS MAIDEN HEIFER, born in 2019 (14 Entries) Layward Cosmocolitan DelightS&T Wake and A Harvey Tregibby Yegabomb BlusherAH Wilson & Son Haughton S-O SassyMiss S Wilson Tregibby Yegabomb Dream GirlAH Wilson & Son Flair Fizzy PopFlair Jerseys Haughton VIP StatusMiss S Wilson Guillyhill Oliver P DaisyTA & ML Jackson Longing Iatola Virginian WinnieEG Armitage Padkin Joel HarpA & W Padkin Saxown Victorious Heidi 27The Saxby Family Skiddaw Casino PriceJA & Y Raven Moorhouse Victorious AnitaJ & I Watson & Son Moorhouse Casino RadiantJ & I Watson & Son Katherines Tequila GraceK Jenkinson INCALF HEIFER, born in 2018 (8 Entries) Tregibby Tequila BlusherAH Wilson & Son Layward Victoriously DivineS&T Wake and A Harvey Kerbanks Barnabas BalindaJA & Y Raven Layward Belles Yega LollipopW&A Watson Monument Engineer BlackberryK Jenkinson Nethervalley Tequila TayberryM&D Wilson Longing Brandon’s Natalie NouvelleEG Armitage Helsington Alexander ProgressTA & ML Jackson TWO YEAR OLD HEIFER, 28th February 2017 – 1st March 2018 (12 Entries) Potterswalls Impression EveningThe Fleming Family Darnlaw Colton GlitzP Manning & E Murray Skiddaw Governor CoralJA & Y Raven Clifton Victorious BrackenA&W Padkin Clifton Barnabas CloverTA & ML Jackson Honeygirls Welsh LilyEJ Sugden Honeyfields Tequila Makes Me DanceHoneyfields Jerseys TBC Honeyfields Tequila BelladonnaHoneyfields Jerseys Hailstone Joel Winsome 2M&D Wilson Ashford Diddy DorisA&L Rimmer Wheelbirks Link Party 9Katie Thompson JUNIOR CHAMPION Tregibby Tequila Blusher RESERVE JUNIOR CHAMPION Layward Cosmocolitan Delight THREE YEAR OLD, born 28th February 2016-1st March 2017 (3 Entries) Potterswalls Glams Elisha 3The Fleming Family Monument Chrome ReginaR & M Scott Glanmor Bruce DisneyP Manning & EJ Murray SENIOR COW, born prior to 1st March 2016 (7 Entries) Windyridge Tequila DiamondP Manning & EJ Murray Trengothal Tequila BandannaDreammaker Jerseys Rapidbay-UK Liquor JG PanamaHoneyfields Jerseys Clifton Vanahlem MayTA & ML Jackson Saxown Precision Cash 89The Saxby Family Clifton Tequila Bracken 2DA …


Members & Breeders News, Show Results

Judge: Mr Selwyn Donald RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER(4 Forward) Glanmor Impression VolvicP Manning Bayview Tequila Prance 20IW Heurchan Clydevalley Genominator FloraThe Hunter Family Mydrim Colton TaraJR & SM Howie JERSEY JUNIOR COW(4 Forward) Tintoview Tequila BlondieH Buchanan & Son Trengothal Tequila BandannaJR & SM Howie Clifton Aussiegold SamanthaThe Hunter Family Kingsbeck TansyThe Hunter Family JERSEY SENIOR COW(5 Forward) Windyridge Tequila DiamondP Manning Bluegrass Shandys August BlondieH Buchanan & Son Monument Riley CanderelR Scott Bluegrass Excitations DaisybelleJR & SM Howie Clydevalley Governor Marie 4The Hunter Family BREED CHAMPION Windyridge Tequila Diamond RESERVE BREED CHAMPION Tintoview Tequila Blondie HONOURABLE MENTION Windyridge Tequila Diamond GALLERY