National Show Judge: Mr Stephen Borland Showmanship Judge: Mr Iwan Thomas RESULTS ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 18-26 years 5th George Woodward-May ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 13-17 years 1st Lauren Parkhouse 2nd Alfie Parkhouse 3rd Izzy Davis 5th Sophie Kerley 6th Daisy Wells ANY OTHER BREED SHOWMANSHIP, aged 7-12 years 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Charlie Nottage 4th Thomas White 5th Skye Elmes-Houston JERSEY SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Lauren Parkhouse JERSEY RESERVE SHOWMANSHIP CHAMPION Alfie Parkhouse RESERVE CHAMPION OTHER BREEDS SHOWMANSHIP Lauren Parkhouse JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2024 1st FUTUREDREAM Chocochip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Chocolate Chip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 3rd RIVERMEAD Victory Pixie The Davis Family 4th AMOS Banging Mell Amy Wonnacott 5th GREENWAY Ferdinand Red Mist Leslie & Tracy Rockett JERSEY CALF, born from 1st OCtober to 31st December 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Explore Tweeny The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiction Carley Flower The Davis Family 3rd BUCKRIDGE Banging Lolly Kate Buckler JERSEY CALF, born 1st July to 30th September 2023 1st MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans 2nd RIVERMEAD Victorious Candyfloss The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 4th SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres George Woodward-May 5th BUCKRIDGE Gislev Sweetpea Kate Buckler JERSEY CALF CHAMPION MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans RESERVE JERSEY CALF CHAMPION FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Choco Veronica Futuredreams Partnership RESERVE INTERBREED CALF CHAMPION MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st January and 30th June 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 2nd FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 3rd QUINTRELL Chocochip Claret Red Quintrell Jerseys 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambridge JERSEY, incalf heifer 1st TYRFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom James Evans 2nd SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres George Woodward-May JERSEY, in milk heifer, having calved her first calf at under 2.5 years of age 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis …
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2024
Calf Judge: Mr Lindsay Fleming Showmanship Judge: Mr Arwyn Wilson RESULTS JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2024 1st SILVERSPARKLE CC Arizona Izzy Lee 2nd RIVERMEAD Victorious Pixie The Davis Family 3rd COLDEATON Yegabomb Daisy Belle Coldeaton Jerseys 4th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 5th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Choco Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 6th THISTLEROSE Chocochip Shimmy Isla Arrell JERSEY, born between 1st December 2023 & 29th February (12) 1st BEES Valens-Thyme Bethan Greenhalgh 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Tweeny The Davis Family 3rd SILVERSPARKLE Jordan Coca Izzy Lee 4th DREAMMAKER Cheeky Vimto Rosemary Dreammaker Jerseys 5th STARLET Huxford Kitty Kevin & Sian Rickard 6th COLDEATON Guapo Tequila Star Josephine ET Coldeaton Jerseys 7th MYDRIM Roulette Ella Tara James Evans 8th BAR-M Chocochip Rose Bar-M Jerseys 9th SWEETPEA Jazzy Jinglebell Isla Arrell 10th RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie Keira Nottage JERSEY, born between 1st September & 30th November 2023 (11) 1st SILVERSPARKLE Chocochip Roses W Horsley, T Horsley, J Robinson & K Bainbridge 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiciton Carly Flower The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 4th RIVERMEAD Victorious Candy Floss The Davis Family 5th RIVERMEAD Victorious Stormy Flair Jerseys 6th FLAIR Popping Candy Flair Jerseys 7th MYDRIM Ferdinand Louise James Evans 8th MYDRIM Magicians Tara James Evans 9th RIVERVIEW Victorious Narina Davies & Sales JERSEY, born between 1st May & 31st August 2023 1st MYDRIM Chocochip Ceres James Evans 2nd COLDEATON Phoenix Pollybay Coldeaton Jerseys 3rd BAR-M Ferdinand Bluebell Bar-M Jerseys 4th RIVERMEAD Engineer Bella KE Jenkinson 5th KJ Explore Nadia 2 John Lomax & Kelly Woodcock 6th STARLET Ferdinand Samsybil 2 John Lomax & Kelly Woodcock JERSEY, born between 1st January & 30th April 2023 1st FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 2nd RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 4th COLDEATON Phoenix Josephine Coldeaton …
UK Dairy Day
Judge: Mr Willie Taylor RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st GUILLYHILL Webcam Daisy TA & ML Jackson & Daughters 2nd NETHERVALLEY Oliver Regina Sheila Scott 3rd RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis Family 4th MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy JD Evans 5th MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritz M Henry, R Timlin & J Metcalf JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk 1st LOGAN Chrome Caribbean B Yates, M Yates and G&I Jones 2nd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious K Scott 3rd RIVERMEAD Bubba Tweeny The Davis Family 4th RIVERMEAD Casino Sangria The Davis Family 5th HONEYFIELDS Come Dancing Honeyfields Jerseys 6th SKIDDAW Lemonhead Tilly JA & Y Raven JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd MYDRIM Colton New Years Sandy JD Evans BREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE CHAMPION LOGAN Chrome Caribbean HONOURABLE MENTION LAYWARD Victoriously Divine
Royal Welsh Show
Saxown Matt Cash 107
Great Yorkshire Show
Saxown Matt Cash 107
Royal Three Counties Show
Judge: Mr Mark Davis RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, in calf with first calf, under 3 years of age 1st SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres Mr George Woodward-May 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallulah Miss Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY COW or HEIFER, in milk 1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Mr Barry Cambridge 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino Time Miss Charlotte Colquhoun JERSEY BREED CHAMPION BURYYHILL Littlestar Rumour JERSEY RESERVE BREED CHAMPION SIGNATURE Strongbow Ceres JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st December 2023 & 28th February 2024 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie Miss Keira Nottage 2nd BURYHILL Engineer Casinotime Mr Kieran Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Lots of Rumour Miss Charlotte Calquhoun JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st September 2023 & 30th November 2023 1st AVALON Addiction Pumpkin Davies & Sales 2nd RIVERVIEW Victorious Narina Davies & Sales JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st May 2023 & 30th August 2023 1st SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres Mr George Woodward-May JERSEY HEIFER CALF, born between 1st January 2023 & 30th April 2023 1st BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Miss Charlotte Calquhoun 2nd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF HEIFERS 1st Miss Zoe Cambridge JERSEY YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION SIGNATURE Chocochip Ceres RESERVE YOUNGSTOCK CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Ellie
Royal Cornwall Show
Judge: Mr Robert Hunter Interbreed Judge: Mr Andy Cope RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Who The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Addiction Candy The Davis Family 3rd TRENOWETH Ferdinand Bopple Nut The Johns Family 4th CARDINNEY Addiction Glamour RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY HEIFER, incalf 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Ivy RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with second calf which was produced under the age of four years 1st RIVERMEAD Victorious Gorgeous Blondie The Davis Family 2nd CARDINNEY Casino Wish Bone RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY COW, in milk with third or fourth calf 1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Bopple Nut The Johns Family JERSEY COW, in milk with fifth of subsequent calf 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Dianna Quintrell Jerseys JERSEY, best homebred pair 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY, best group of three 1st The Davis Family 2nd RJ, JR & SM Warren BREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION OPEN PAIRS The Davis Family RESERVE INTERBREED HEIFER RIVERMEAD Casino Ceres INTERBREED CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie RESERVE INTERBREED GROUP OF FIVE The Davis Family & RJ, JR & SM Warren
Royal Bath & West Show
Judge: Mr Arwyn Wilson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1 December 2022). Heifers in this class are also permitted to enter the relevant calf classes 1st DREAMMAKER Cheeky Vimto Spry Sarah Howie 2nd STONEBRIDGE Banging Liquorice Zoe Clear 3rd SCOTSBRIDGE Terific Tallula Zoe Cambridge 4th JOSIES Explore Happy Birthday 3 Miss Josie Dowding JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st MOONLIGHT Milkshake Miss Chloe Peach JERSEY COW OR HEIFER, in calf to produce her second, third or subsequent calf no later than 1 October 2024 1st BURYHILL Colton Aimless Angel Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER COW, in milk, having calved her first calf at under 2.5 years of age 1st MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly Miss Chloe Peach 2nd DREAMMAKER Lobster Stephanie Sarah Howie 3rd REGATTA Video Craze Sarah Howie 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Zoe Cambridge 5th RIVERMEAD Casino Time Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk having calved two times or more 1st FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil Sarah Howie 2nd WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol Sarah Howie 3rd BURHILL Tequila Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Sarah Howie 2nd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION FUTUREDREAMS Colton Daffodil RESERVE CHAMPION MOONLIGHT Victorious Molly HONOURABLE MENTION WELLHOUSE Video Lady Carol
National Show 2023
Showmanship Judge: Mr Lynden Bustard Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS ANY OTHER BREEDS HANDLER, AGED 18-26 YEARS 1st Emily Davis 2nd Ellie Saxby 6th Megan Miller Hudson ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 13-17 YEARS 1st Peighton Robertson 3rd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Izzy Davis 7th Alfie Parkhouse ANY OTHER BREED HANDLER, AGED 7-12 YEARS 1st Keira Nottage 3rd Jack Davis JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER CHAMPION Emily Davis RESERVE CHAMPION JERSEY & COLOURED BREEDS HANDLER Ellie Saxby JERSEY CALF, born on or after 1st January 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 3rd AMOS Moonlight Xanthia New Park Farm 4th BURYHI Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambride 5th STONEBEIDGE Banging Liquorice Zoe Clear JERSEY CALF, born 1st October 2022 to 31st December 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Askn Cyber The Davis Family 2nd RIVERMEAD Askn Lexi The Davis Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Askn For Apple Pie The Davis Family 4th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY CALF, born from 1st July to 30th September 2022 1st TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom Futuredreams Partnership 2nd RIVERMEAD Explore Fay The Davis Family 3rd SAXOWN Casette Cash 128 The Saxby Family 4th STONEBRIDGE Holeinone Fancy Fizz Zoe Clear 5th MOONLIGHT Ferdinand Monica Chloe Peach 6th MOONLIGHT Milkshake Chloe Peach JERSEY CHAMPION TYFRI Ferdinana Queen Blossom RESERVE JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine INTERBREED CHAMPION CALF TYFRI Ferdinand Queen Blossom JERSEY, maiden heifer born on or between 1st January & 30th June 2022 1st RIVERMEAD Explore Kelly The David Family 2nd MYDRIM Tequilas Spring Tracy James Evans 3rd QUINTRELL Webcam Andromenda Quintrell Jerseys 4th MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach JERSEY, incalf heifer born on or before 31st December 2022, incalf with first calf to calve under 2.5 years 1st DISCOVERY Chrome Carly Zoe Clear 2nd RIVERMEAD Casino …
All Breeds All Britain Calf Show 2023
Showmanship Judge: Mrs Izzy Laird Jersey Calf Judge: Mr Warren Ferguson, New Zealand RESULTS AJUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Finley Burrows 3rd William Seaton 5th Siwan Efa Williams B-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Jack Davis 3rd Phoebe Hine 4th Isla Banks 6th Katie Bertram C-JUNIOR HANDLER, AGED 12 YEARS AND UNDER ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 1st Isla Arrell 2nd Izzy Davis 3rd Iain Howie 5th Ellie Atkinson 6th Alfie Parkhouse INTERMEDIATE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 13 & 15 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 1st Peighton Robertson 2nd Lauren Parkhouse 4th Joanna Dale SENIOR HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 16 & 20 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 2nd Sioned Morris 3rd Katie Watson MATURE HANDLER, AGED BETWEEN 21 & 26 YEARS ON 1ST JANUARY 2023 3rd Hannah Saxby JERSEY CHAMPION Isla Arrell RESERVE CHAMPION Sioned Morris HONOURABLE MENTION Izzy Davis JERSEY, born on or after 1st March 2023 1st RIVERMEAD Addiction Catherine The Davis Family 2nd UPTOWN Coco Spice Katie Watson 3rd RIVERMEAD Addiction Carly The Davis Family 4th MYDRIM Chocochip Easter Sandy James Evans 5th SILVERSPARKLE Ferdinand Aria Izzy Lee 6th MYDRIM Chocochip Coronation Tara Ed Seaton 7th BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour Has It Zoe Cambridge 8th COLDEATON Stag Alison Rainbow Coldeaton Jerseys 9th DREIGIAU Seren Dreigiau Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st December 2022 & 28th February 2023 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Riley Gwen Cochrane 2nd SAXOWN Ferdinands Valentine Judy 34 The Saxby Family 3rd RIVERMEAD Ferdinand Maisie The Davis Family 4th FUTUREDREAMS Chocochip Romantic Veronica Futuredreams Partnership 5th KATHERINES Spanner Man Sophia Katherine Jenkinson 6th BAR-M Chocochip Fern Isla Bar-M Jerseys 7th BAR-M Moonlight Sparkling Rosie Bar-M Jerseys 8th COLDEATON Phoenix Josephine Coldeaton Jerseys JERSEY, born between 1st September & 30th November 2022 1st BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Colin & Izzy …
UK Dairy Day 2023
Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer in milk 1st RIVERMEAD Casino Sangria The Davis Family 2nd SKIDDAW Lemonhead Tilly Kerry Scott 3rd HONEYFIELDS Come Dancing Honeyfields Jerseys 4th HAILSTONE Oliver-P Samantha Who M&D Wilson 5th TREGIBBY Victorious Sunshine Adam Fagg JERSEY Junior Cow, in milk, having had two calves 1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Sian & Kevin Rickard 2nd LAYWARD Divinely Victorious Kerry Scott 3rd ANSOM Casino Samsybil Sian & Kevin Rickard 4th SAXOWN Mayy Judy 26 The Saxby Family 5th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 6th BRASTEAD Governor Revenant GR Edgar & Son JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having had four calves 1st RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie The Davis Family 2nd SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Arrell 3rd WELLHOUSE Colton Emerald Wellhouse Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Verdi Pixie JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo JERSEY HONOURABLE MENTION RIVERMEAD Casino Samsybil
Ashby Show
Judge: Mr M Smith RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, heifer born in 2021 or 2022 1st DEVAL Video Accordian Mr B Griffin JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st WOODWAY Lemonhead Adele Woodway Jerseys 2nd DEVAL Video Zircon Mr B Griffin JERSEY COW, in milk 1st WOODWAY Engineer Woolly Woodway Jerseys JERSEY COW, in calf 1st DEVAL Joel Violin Mr B Griffin JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Woodway Jerseys 2nd Mr B Griffin JERSEY Calf 1st WOODWAY Askn Cadell Woodway Jerseys BREED CHAMPION WOODWAY Engineer Woolly RESERVE BREED CHAMPION DEVAL Joel Violin
Royal Welsh Show
Windyridge Tequila Diamond
Great Yorkshire Show
Coldeaton Yegabomb Josephine with Interbreed judge, Blaise Tomlinson
Royal Norfolk Show
Senior Cow Class
Lincolnshire Show
Judge: Mr J Waller RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st RAVENFIELD Casino Lassie RF & JF Heath JERSEY HEIFER, incalf 1st LONGING Daydream Countess EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Stubby Vanessa RF & JF Heath 4th BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st LONGING Ambition Charm EG Armitage 2nd BARNOWL Telford Jasmine Barnowl Jerseys 3rd RAVENFIELD Jess RF & JF Heath JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION LONGING Ambition Charm JERSEY COW, dry 1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Action Lassie RF & JF Heath JERSEY COW, in milk 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RAVENFIELD Florence 21 RF & JF Heath GROUP OF THREE JERSEYS 1st Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RF & JF Heath 3rd EG Armitage PROGENY PAIR 1st RF & JF Heath 2nd Barnowl Jerseys BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Excitation Sunspot RESERVE BREED CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki
Royal Cornwall Show
Judge: Mr L Dunne, Queensland, Australia RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, maiden 1st QUINTRELL Webcam Andromeda J, M & C Colwell 2nd CARDINNEY Thumper Ferdinand Yarrow 5 RJ, JR & SM Warren JERSEY HEIFER, incalf due to calve no later than 31st October 2023 1st TRENOWETH Doyle Glitter A Johns 2nd MOORVIEW Banging Savannah AR & DL Walters JERSEY HEIFER, in milk 1st MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie AR & DL Walters 2nd CARDINNEY Engineer Rebel 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 3rd QUINTRELL Lonestar Youtube J, M & C Colwell 4th QUINTRELL Blue Holly J, M & C Colwell 5th QUINTRELL Blue Calendula J, M & C Colwell JERSEY DRY COW, due to calve before 1st October 2023 1st MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters JERSEY COW, in milk or in calf, any age and produced a lifetime yield of 22,700kgs of milk 1st QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 2nd MOORVIEW Tilly AR & DL Walters JERSEY COW, in second lactation 1st WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Bapple Nut A Johns JERSEY COW, in third or later lactation 1st CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd QUINTRELL Spectrum Verbena J, M & C Colwell 3rd MOORVIEW Tillys Sassy Girl AR & DL Walters JERSEY PAIR BRED BY THE EXHIBITOR 1st RJ, JR & SM Warren 2nd J, M & C Colwell 3rd AR & DL Walters JERSEY GROUP OF THREE ANIMALS 1st J, M & C Colwell 2nd AR & DL Walters BREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3 RESERVE CHAMPION WHITENHILL Rosevelts Red Babble Nut HONOURABLE MENTION MOORVIEW Prix Hollys Minnie INTERBREED CHAMPION CARDINNEY Bontino Winner 3
Royal Bath & West Show
Judge: Mr Tim Garry RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, not in calf, maximum age of 18 months on the first day of show (born after 1st December 2021) 1st GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Les & Tracy Rockett 3rd MOONLIGHT Stormy Victorious Nouvelle Chloe Peach 4th JOSIES Devinci Lemonade Josie Dowding 5th BURYHILL Littlestar Marissa Zoe Cambridge 6th BURYHILL Bubba Rumour Zoe Cambridge JERSEY HEIFER, incalf with first calf, due to calve at under 2.5 years of age 1st GREENWAY Excitation Lori Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd BURYHILL Littlestar Rumour 2 Zoe Cambridge 3rd BURYHILL Littlestar Honey Zoe Cambridge 4th BURYHILL Littlestar Tequila Zoe Cambridge JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk, having calved not more than twice 1st BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula Zoe Cambridge JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk, having calved three times or more 1st WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo Kevin & Sian Rickard JERSEY GROUP OF THREE 1st Zoe Cambridge JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS, property of the same exhibitor but not necessarily exhibitor bred 1st Les & Tracy Rockett 2nd Zoe Cambridge 3rd Zoe Cambridge BREED CHAMPION BURYHILL Engineer Rumour Lula RESERVE CHAMPION WHITEFIRE Dazzler Flamingo
Balmoral Show
Judge: Mr Blaise Tomlinson RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st September 2021 1st SAXOWN Addiction Judy Mr Martin King JERSEY HEIFER, not in milk, born on or after 1st September 2020 & on or before 31st August 2021 1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY HEIFER, in milk, calved under 3 years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS Jamie Lady 4 The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Everest Sarah Clandeboye Estate 3rd POTTERSWALLS Casino Lady 2 The Fleming Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Mr Martin King 5th CLANDEBOYE Casino Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY COW, in milk having had two calvings 1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Emperor Fantasia Clandeboye Estate 3rd PRIESTLAND Fizz Harmonica The McLean Family JERSEY COW, in milk having had three or more calvings 1st POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn The Fleming Family 2nd CLANDEBOYE Bamber Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY PAIR OF ANIMALS 1st The Fleming Family 2nd Clandeboye Estate 3rd The Fleming Family JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr James Waring RESERVE CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS POTTERSWALLS Bontino Dawn CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR The Fleming Family CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP The Fleming Family
Devon County Show
Judge: Miss Carol Pledge RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, born on or after 1st April 2022 1st BARNOWL Maid Victoria Barnowl Jerseys 2nd KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Dream PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Aries Mr & Mrs Rockett 4th KNIGHTSTONE Webcam Babybelle PV Lawrence JERSEY HEIFER, MAIDEN Born on or before 1st October 2020 and the 31st March 2022 1st BARNOWL Domingo Jasmine 2 Barnowl Jerseys 2nd RIVERMEAD Video Ivy PV Lawrence 3rd GREENWAY Ferdinand Coco Pops Mr & Mrs Rockett JERSEY HEIFER, incalf, not to be more than 30 months of age at the time of calving 1st OLYMPIC Casino Belladonna PV Lawrence 2nd GREENWAY Excitation Lori Mr & Mrs Rockett JERSEY COW, dry anf at least five months in calf, any age 1st BARNOWL Bravo Phantasy Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY HEIFER, in milk which has produced her first and only calf under the age of 30 months 1st BARNOWL Brunel Victoria Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk, second or third lactation 1st BARNOWL Matt Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY COW, in milk, fourth lactation or higher 1st BARNOWL Everest Vicki Barnowl Jerseys JERSEY CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION BARNOWL Everest Vicki INTERBREED CLASSES Judge: Mr Malcolm Huxtable CHANNEL ISLAND CHAMPION BARNOWL Matt Vicki RESERVE CHAMPION INMILK HEIFER GREENWAY Windstar Cara RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY GROUP BARNOWL Jerseys RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY PAIR BARNOWL Maid Victoria RESERVE CHAMPION DAIRY ANIMAL BARNOWL Maid Victoria
Borderway Dairy Expo
Judge: Jenny Thomas RESULTS JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER 1st ASHFOLD VIP Doris A&L Rimmer 2nd FLAIR Popstar Flair Jerseys 3rd BLYTHBRIDGE Chocochip Reagie Blyth Farms 4th SKIDDAW Banging Susie JA & Y Raven 5th RUBY Almondene Levine Harriett H Rawcliffe JERSEY INCALF HEIFER BORN IN 2021 1st BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan G&G Templeton 2nd VALLEY Rockwell Lady Peter Cotton 3rd HONEYFIELDS Chrome Panama Honeyfields Jerseys 4th CARLDANTON Lemon Jellybean Anthony Grimshaw 5th SKIDDAW Matt Dolly JA & Y Raven 6th KATHERINES Ontime Beatrice Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION BLYTHBRIDGE VIP Reagan RESERVE JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION VALLEY Rockwell Lady HONOURABLE MENTION JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION ASHFOLD VIP Doris TWO YEAR OLD JERSEY 1st HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance Honeyfields Jerseys 2nd KERRICKS Keystone Rosheen Kerricks Farm 3rd CLANEL Video Daisybelle Heuchan Family 4th KILLINGTON Video Eleanor J&R Waller 5th KATHERINES Matt Amelia Katherine Jenkinson 6th THISTLEROSE Disco Salsa Jane & Phil Arrell JERSEY THREE YEAR OLD 1st SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 The Saxby Family 2nd STUDDAH Endeavour Casinos Glamour J Pratt & S Clapham 3rd SKIDDAW Megapower Bluebell JA & Y Raven 4th ASHFOLD Crazy Doris A&L Rimmer 5th KILLINGTON Excitation Cash J&R Waller 6th KATHERINES Rascal Harriet Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY SENIOR COW, 1st RIVERMEAD Minx Candy The Davis Family 2nd CLIFTON Barnabas Clover TA & ML Jackson & Daughters 3rd KATHERINES Rascal Fragrance Katherine Jenkinson JERSEY CHAMPION RIVERMEAD Minx Candy RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Matt Cash 107 HONOURABLE MENTION HONEYFIELDS Chrome Dance PREMIER BREEDER AWARD Honeyfield & Blyth Farms PREMIER EXHIBITOR AWARD Honeyfields Jerseys PREMIER SIRE OF THE SENIOR SHOW RIVER VALLEY Venus VIP
Royal Ulster Winter Fair
Judge: Mr Pierre Boulet, Canada RESULTS INTERMEDIATE SHOWMANSHIP 6th Jack King SENIOR SHOWMANSHIP 4th Ailsa Fleming JERSEY MAIDEN HEIFER, born on or after 1st June 2021 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET The Sizzlers Syndicate 2nd POTTERSWALLS Ferdinand Lady The Fleming Family 3rd POTTERSWALLS Black Apple Starlight The Fleming Family 4th KIRKINRIOLA Maid Delight 2 Jack King 5th MOSTRAGEE RT Premier Spritzer Ryan Black & Tom McKnight 6th CLANDEBOYE Victorious Fantasia Clandeboye Estate JERSEY HEIFER, incalf, 1st POTTERSWALLS Craze Dawn The Fleming Family JERSEY JUNIOR CHAMPION 1st TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET RESERVE INTERBREED CHAMPION JUNIOR HEIFER TREASURE Andreas Fernleaf ET JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK, calved by three years of age 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Lady 3 The Fleming Family 2nd LOGAN Chrome Chicago Clive & Joel Richardson 3rd KIRKINRIOLA Bubba Ceres Jack King 4th CLANDEBOYE Chrome Marble 2 Clandeboye Estate 5th BALLYEALAN Engineer Louise Tom Lynch & Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW, in milk in second lactation 1st LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz The Fleming Family 2nd KIRKINRIOLA Oliver-P Delight Jack King JERSEY SENIOR COW, in milk in third or later lactation 1st POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour The Fleming Family 2nd BALLYEALAN Tequila Louise Tom Lynch & Family 3rd GLANMOR Jebb Elisha Clandeboye Estate JERSEY CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour RESERVE CHAMPION LAYWARD Cosmo Starry Fizz HONOURABLE MENTION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Dawn INTERBREED CHAMPION POTTERSWALLS Chrome Glamour
Judge: Niels Eric Haahr, Denmark RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER, 1st CLYDEVALLEY Cruz Mintberry The Hunter Family JERSEY JUNIOR COW, 1st CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold The Hunter Family 2nd TREGIBBY Colton Dreamgirl Adam Fagg JERSEY SENIOR COW 1st SAXOWN Joel Judy 21 Isla Grace Arrell 2nd CLYDEVALLEY Illustrious Puddleduck The Hunter Family JERSEY CHAMPION CLYDEVALLEY Casino Marigold JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION SAXOWN Joel Judy 21
South West Scotland Dairy Show
RESULTS JERSEY HEIFER IN MILK, 1st LOGAN Chrome Caribbean BG Yates & Son & G Jones 2nd KERRICKS Judo Fizz Kerricks Farm 3rd TINTOVIEW Citation Cuddle Buchanan Family JERSEY COW IN MILK 1st TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie Buchanan Family JERSEY CHAMPION LOGAN Chrome Caribbean JERSEY RESERVE CHAMPION TINTOVIEW Tequila Blondie