Members of the Amos Herd
Rosette Jerseys – Mr Adam Fagg
HERD PREFIXRosette Jerseys. I MILK…I currently have 11 jerseys of my own, they are kindly looked after by Mr James Edgar of Brasted Jerseys, the herd is in north Kent on the Sussex/south east london border where James milks just over 100 jerseys (including my own). The herds current butterfats sit at 5.6% and protein at 3.8%. Personally, my highest yielding cow is ‘Rosette Tequila Lauren’ who averages around 30 litres a day at 6% butterfat. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?I have had jerseys for 10 years now, with the daughter of my first cow still going strong, recently classifying EX92 with a VG87 daughter. WHO DO YOU SELL YOUR MILK TO? The milk is used on the farm to make ice cream as well as sold through a vending machine where both pasteurised and ‘raw’ milk are sold. The remainder of the milk is sold to Freshways. There are future plans on the farm to open a cafe/restaurant to utilise the products. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE JERSEYS? Unfortunately I can’t really give a clever, in-depth business answer for this!! I have just always liked them! I’ve had an interest in showing & genetics from a young age. I liked the fact that there was a pedigree native breed that had a deep showing/pedigree history in places such as the the US and Canada. I had always followed show results from the likes of World Dairy Expo with great interest and it made me very keen to own my own. My breeding choices often stem from seeing progeny of a bull or from a curtain family at shows such as WDE and IDW etC. My parents were kind enough to buy me a calf for my 15th birthday and it’s taken off from there, since owning my first …
Stonebridge, Pierrepont & Discovery Jerseys
Ryan, Bethany & Rachel of HAYVALLEY Jerseys.
Hayvalley Jerseys
Ryan, Bethany & Rachel of HAYVALLEY Jerseys.