Members of the Amos Herd
Rosette Jerseys – Mr Adam Fagg
HERD PREFIXRosette Jerseys. I MILK…I currently have 11 jerseys of my own, they are kindly looked after by Mr James Edgar of Brasted Jerseys, the herd is in north Kent on the Sussex/south east london border where James milks just over 100 jerseys (including my own). The herds current butterfats sit at 5.6% and protein at 3.8%. Personally, my highest yielding cow is ‘Rosette Tequila Lauren’ who averages around 30 litres a day at 6% butterfat. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?I have had jerseys for 10 years now, with the daughter of my first cow still going strong, recently classifying EX92 with a VG87 daughter. WHO DO YOU SELL YOUR MILK TO? The milk is used on the farm to make ice cream as well as sold through a vending machine where both pasteurised and ‘raw’ milk are sold. The remainder of the milk is sold to Freshways. There are future plans on the farm to open a cafe/restaurant to utilise the products. WHY DID YOU CHOOSE JERSEYS? Unfortunately I can’t really give a clever, in-depth business answer for this!! I have just always liked them! I’ve had an interest in showing & genetics from a young age. I liked the fact that there was a pedigree native breed that had a deep showing/pedigree history in places such as the the US and Canada. I had always followed show results from the likes of World Dairy Expo with great interest and it made me very keen to own my own. My breeding choices often stem from seeing progeny of a bull or from a curtain family at shows such as WDE and IDW etC. My parents were kind enough to buy me a calf for my 15th birthday and it’s taken off from there, since owning my first …
Stonebridge, Pierrepont & Discovery Jerseys
Ryan, Bethany & Rachel of HAYVALLEY Jerseys.
Hayvalley Jerseys
Ryan, Bethany & Rachel of HAYVALLEY Jerseys.
Holmfirth Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEMessrs J & E Dickinson – Longley Farm. HERD PREFIXHolmfirth. WE MILK…180 pedigree Jersey cows. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?We started to include Jerseys in our herd at Longley Farm, Holmfirth in order to increase protein levels when we started to make yoghurt in the early 1970’s. After buying Tyers Hall Farm, Barsley we moved to keeping a pedigree Channel Island herd, which gradually converted to being entirely Jersey. LOCATIONTyers Hall Farm, Ardsley, Barnsley, South Yorkshire. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESAll of the farms milk, along with that of other pedigree Jersey suppliers, goes to be processed at the dairy at Longley Farm and is used to make cream, yoghurt, cottage cheese, butter, cream cheese, fromage frais, buttermilk and yorkshire curd. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?We keep finding applications for Jersey milk, with the pedigree Status being a guarantee of it’s provenance. Both the fats & proteins are significantly different to those in Holstein milk & can be used to improve processes as well as make better or different products. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD? The Jersey cow is very hardworking, she has the ability to successfully convert grass to a quality product. They are not without doubt a very inquisitive, determined breed and we certainly have some very opinionated characters! On the whole they are a pleasure to work with.
Bar-M Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEDavid Birtles and Jan Morgan-Birtles – Nanny Janny’s Jersey Ice Cream. HERD PREFIXBar-M Jerseys. WE MILK…50 cows when the Bar-M Jersey herd evolved in 1999, on a county council holding in Staffordshire, supplying milk to Longley Farm. The Bar-M herd reduced in number when we left the rented sector in 2013, with the purchase of a smallholding in the neighbouring county of Shropshire. Our herd now numbers 25 head of cattle, ranging from new-born to 10 years old. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?David joined the Jersey Cattle Society in 1985. He had worked for JC Peat and Partners (Mossbank Jerseys) when he left school in the late 1970s and this started David’s interest in owning and showing the cows, which has continued thereafter. Two of our current cow families date back to Mossbank Jerseys. LOCATIONWe farm in the South Shropshire Hills (an area of outstanding natural beauty). The jersey cows have coped well with the move to Shropshire, although they are not greatly impressed by the rainfall or snow. We are at 1000ft and are above the snowline in the winter. Cows are housed in an old-fashioned cowshed and milked on a vacuum line. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESThe milk is used for the production of ice-cream and raising calves – excess is fed to our small herd of pigs, which in turn, are made into sausages and bacon on the farm in a purpose-designed building. Over 80% of our meat production is sold direct to customers at markets as Muckleton Meats. All calves born are raised to either come into the milking herd, to be sold to other herds or as part of our meat business. The ice cream is made on the farm, in Nanny Janny’s special ‘Ice Cream room’. It is made …
Clandeboye Estate Co. Ltd
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEClandeboye Estate Co. Ltd. HERD PREFIXClandeboye. WE MILK…30 Jerseys and 70 Holsteins. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?The first Jerseys were bought in 2000. LOCATIONClandeboye Estate, Bangor, County Down, Northern Ireland, BT19 1RN. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESAlmost all of our milk is processed into yoghurt which we sell under the Clandeboye Estate Yoghurt brand. We have contracts with all the major supermarkets in NI as well as Aldi in Southern Ireland. Along side this we supply small local retailers and also produce some own brand products for Spar and Starbucks Ireland. The remainder of our milk goes to Dale Farm. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?The first jerseys were bought simply because I have always liked a Jersey cow and thought it would be fun to have 5 really good ones to take out to local shows. The numbers quickly grew and by 2007 when we began to look at making yoghurt we were milking 30 jerseys. We quickly discovered that the blend of Jersey/Holstein milk we had in the tank made a great quality product. You could say that something that began almost as a hobby became an integral and important part of our dairy business. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Inquisitive, friendly, determined and on occasion downright cantankerous but mostly they are a pleasure to work with and have given the team at Clandeboye many memorable moments. In comparison to our Holstein cows they currently have a 20-day advantage in calving index and would tend to have less foot problems. Somatic cell counts and longevity would be very similar.
Clifton Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEClaire and Steven Bland, with son Robert & daughter Elizabeth. HERD PREFIXClifton Jerseys. WE MILK…230 cows using modern technology. We milk our cows robotically as this gives our cows the choice to choose when they come into milk, when they chose to go out graze or chose to come inside. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?Our family has been farming pedigree Jerseys for 20 years. LOCATIONWe live in the outskirts of the We live in the outskirts of the village called Clifton, as tenant farmers on the Lowther Estate, which is situated on the fringe of the Lake District in Cumbria. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe produce our own Jersey Ice Cream called Abbott Lodge Ice cream using our own Jersey milk and Jersey cream. We sell our Abbott Lodge Ice cream from our own on-farm Abbott Lodge Ice Cream parlour as well to a mobile ice cream van, local restaurants, local guest houses and farm shops across Cumbria. We also bottle our Jersey milk and sell “Abbott Lodge Jersey Milk” from our Ice Cream Parlour and milk delivery service. We also supply Grahams Family Dairy with the milk from our Jersey cows. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?After we lost our dairy herd through foot and mouth disease, it gave us the opportunity to look both the strengths and weaknesses our existing farm business. We decided that the compactness of the Jersey cow with its strong dairy traits of efficient feed conversion, longevity of production and health and management traits provided us with two opportunities to diversify and grow a stronger dairy business. The first opportunity being that the high quality butterfat and protein produced by the Jersey cow enabled us to sell our milk into higher valued markets, and …
Raylands Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEJ & S Whitby. HERD PREFIXRaylands. WE MILK…120 beautiful Jersey cows. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?The herd was formed 97 years ago in 1923 and the Whitby family have been involved with them since 1953. LOCATIONWe farm in South Buckinghamshire and East Hertfordshire just west of London. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply Davis family diary who in turn supply local dairies. Our milk is particularly in demand by the Asian community as it is the ideal base ingredient in many Asian recipes. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Jersey cattle are compact and docile. They are an ideal complement to the diverse activities on our farms. Grazing in our fields they keep our green belt green. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?They are very inquisitive and playful.
Rivermead Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEThe Davis Family. HERD PREFIXRivermead. WE MILK…220 Cows, 120 Youngstock. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?We started with Jerseys in 2003 when we purchased the Pixeygreen Herd from Norfolk. LOCATIONTiverton, Devon. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe have our own Milk Company ‘Davis & Parsons’ and there is currently 10 Jersey herds supplying us with Milk. Our milk is Sold to two main companies, a Specialist Indian Food processor in London and a Paneer Cheesemaker in Leicester. We also supply some smaller companies making Icecream and other Specialist products. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?We purchased the original herd in 2003 and at the time when Jerseys were low in value and the intention was that we were going to improve the herd and sell them again! This idea soon disappeared when we realised just how good the Jersey cow was. Mark had always liked Jerseys and had a pet Jersey when he was 4 years old. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Breeding Jerseys is very interesting and there are different routes you can go down in terms of breeding. I would say we are trying to breed our herd with a mix of type and production. Our cows are a decent size but not too big, deep bodied with good legs and feet. Udders are very important for us; we like them well attached with good teat placement. We also try to keep the breed Character within our cows which is important we don’t lose. Our cows are very friendly and the thing we love about Jerseys is they have the most incredible temperament and are so friendly.
Bluegrass & Bluerock Jerseys
BLUEGRASS JERSEYSBarry & Jenny Daw. BLUEROCK JERSEYSClaire Daw. HERD PREFIXBluegrass & Bluerock Jerseys. WE MILK…We milk just under 100 pedigree jersey cows on a county council farm in Hertfordshire. The herd originates from Jenny’s parents Herd – Kentucky Jerseys, which established in 1947 with 1 jersey cow called Blondie. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?A number of staple cows were brought by Barry and Jenny which added a solid background to their herd Bluegrass, which was established in 1983, including a Blondie with many descendants still in the herd today. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESDaughter Claire started Dawlicious Ice Cream in 2014 after leaving school after A levels. She specialises in bespoke flavours for restaurants and weddings. She has a large catering trailer too for larger events and supplies local farm shops deli’s. In 2015 a milk vending machine was installed, selling raw milk at £1.20 a litre at the farm gate. Click here to view Dawlicious in the Jersey Producer Directory. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Jenny had a passion from a very young age in her parent’s successful pedigree Jersey herd. The passion for pedigrees, show rings and sales continued when she met Barry. Milking brilliant cows is what makes getting up at 5am worthwhile! HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?The jersey cows all have individual characteristics which makes them a joy to work with. There are definitely some divas, some drama queens but also quiet hard working girls who plod away in the background.
Rosette Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEAdam Fagg. HERD PREFIXRosette. WE HAVE…7 pedigree Jerseys which are housed with a herd of Ayrshires, milked on a farm near Brands Hatch race track in Kent. Personally, I work as a delivery driver for a florist wholesalers and as a cattle fitter. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?My parents bought me my first Jersey as a 15th birthday present, I am now 22 so have owned my Jerseys for 7 years. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESMilk is sold from the farm as well as processed in to cream and ice cream. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?I have several reasons for choosing Jerseys: my interests in genetics, breeding, cow families and showing. I’d had a passion for the breed for a long time before I had the privilege of owning my first calf. I have been in the fortunate position to of been sold two cows from two fantastic cow families which it is a privilege to own. I hope I can continue to do the cow families justice as I breed from them myself as we as develop my other lines. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?I think the Jersey is an absolutely brilliant animal, with so many benefits. Fed and managed right I feel there isn’t a better dairy cow to work with. I feel their versatility is one of their best traits along with their ability to fit in to low input grazing systems as well as with herds milking three times a day, pushed on Total Mixed Ration (TMR); the Jersey is capable of adapting to both and able to thrive on either. Their health traits outweigh any other breed, less prone to mastitis and lameness, their …
Clydevalley Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEThe Hunter Family. Robert and Lorraine with their children Karen, Alison and Mark farm approximately 300 acres at West Tarbrax Farm, Shotts in the central belt in Lanarkshire situated halfway between Glasgow and Edinburgh. We breed pedigree Jerseys and have shown a few over the years with some success. The girls have now moved to pastures new but are keeping up their farming interests with their own herd prefixes, Mourneview and Arranviews. Mark’s passion is machinery so all the field work is done by ourselves. We host school visits through RHET (Royal Highland Education Trust) and are always pleased to have visitors to view the herd when the circumstances allow. HERD PREFIXClydevalley. WE MILK…130 pedigree jerseys twice daily through a 20×20 herringbone parlour and breed all our own replacements. We breed 80% to sexed jersey semen with the bottom 20% bred to British Blue. We also run a homebred bull with some heifers in the summer months. The cows and young stock are grazed in the summer and cubicle housed in the winter, fed baled silage and a high energy blend. The herd average is currently 6800kg of milk at 5.93% Butterfat and 4.01% Protein. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?We bought our first Jerseys in 1999 and ran them with our pedigree Letterkenny Holstein herd, but have been 100% jersey since 2017. LOCATIONLanarkshire, Scotland. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply our Jersey milk to Grahams the Family Dairy based in Stirlingshire. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Our main reason was a business decision; we were offered a jersey milk contract. We were at the point of having to invest heavily in the infrastructure of the farm and the Jersey cow suited our system. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF …
Coldeaton Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEJo Burrows & Family. HERD PREFIXColdeaton. WE MILK…15 Pedigree Jerseys. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?Since I was born. My dad, John Stubbs, started the herd in 1980. LOCATIONAshbourne in Derbyshire. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe produce various flavours of ice cream from our Jersey milk and our next project is to start bottling our surplus milk and open the pop up shop down at the farm. We are hoping both of these will be completed by Autumn 2020 at the latest. Click here to find out more about Jo’s Coldeaton Jersey Ice Cream in the Jersey Producers Directory. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?I was brought up with Jerseys and I love them. They are great cows with the best personalities and I love spending time with them, Alex, my husband was a black and white man, but hopefully now been converted. I hope my children will love them too. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Our Jerseys are very smart and all beautiful.
Kingsbeck Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEKingsbeck Jerseys. HERD PREFIXKingsbeck Jerseys. WE MILK…210 Jersey Cows on an all year round housed robot milking system. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?4 years. LOCATIONCoulter, Biggar, Lanarkshire, Scotland. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply milk to Graham’s The Family Dairy. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Quality of milk, efficiency of grass conversion to butterfat, high health, longevity, and milk solids production. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Our cows are happy and cow health is essential to us. We have the initial input from our Danish girls and are focusing on improving udder attachment as this is crucial when working with robots. To achieve this, we are working with bulls which favour these attributes.
Quintrell Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEJennifer, Michael & Clare Colwell. HERD PREFIXQuintrell Jerseys. WE MILK…300 Pedigree Jersey Cows. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?My parents purchased their first Jerseys when I was 15 months old! LOCATIONMid Cornwall. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply milk to Arla, generally for cheese, either Cornish Brie or Taw Valley Cheddar. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?In 1975 my parents acquired their first council tenancy, Friesians were £110 each and Jerseys were £60 each. They plumped for the Jerseys and we’ve never looked back! HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Grazing strength through strong family cow lines and type based selection. We look for a plus on type, especially chest width and udders, a small plus on milk and fat and protein and a strong maternal line. We need cows that can eat a lot forage, walk up to 3 miles a day and be pleasing on the eye!
Greyleys Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEJL Shaw and Son. HERD PREFIXGreyleys Jerseys. WE MILK…225 Pedigree Jersey with 170 followers. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?52 years. LOCATIONElvington, York. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESThe majority of our milk goes to supply J & E Dickinsons at Longley Farm, where it is used to make Jersey Cream and Butter as well as Soft Cheeses and Yogurts. We also pasteurise our milk and sell it locally through our 2 milkbot vending machines and to milkmen restaurants, coffee shops and smaller manufacturers. Want to find out more about Greyleys Jerseys milkbot vending machines? click here to find Greyleys in the Jersey Producers Directory. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Both David and Anne are from farming backgrounds. While at college, David conducted work experience at a farm in Devon where he was introduced to the Jersey cow. He fell in love with the breed and bought 13 Pedigree heifers from a sale in Totnes in 1968. He brought them back to Elvington, York and this was the start of the Greyleys herd. David thought the breed would suit the land at Greyleys as they were smaller and lighter than other breeds and would not poach the land thus extending the potential grazing season. He thought the breed was good to work with and highly productive and efficient. David and Anne have developed the herd together over 50 years with most of the families descending from the original 13. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?The Greyleys herd is highly productive and flexible to all types of production system and climates. The cows produce over 6000 litres of milk at 10% solids which is ideal for the manufacturing contract with Longley Farm. The cows have excellent …
Gilbrook Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEThe Richardson Family. HERD PREFIXGilbrook Jerseys. WE MILK…125 Pedigree Jerseys. Calving the herd all year round and feeding as much home grown forage as possible. The cows are housed in winter in straw yards with an early turnout usually possible due to ground conditions allowing us to do this. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?9 years. LOCATIONSouth Yorkshire. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply milk to Longley Farm on a pedigree Jersey contract. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Jerseys are the prefect forage to milk converters. With a local supplier producing dairy products with purely Jersey milk it was market demand that determined the breed. However, as a family we have always been interested in breeding and showing cattle so we have found this is a great opportunity to meet friends that also share this passion. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Our cows are medium sized functional type with the odd show cow amongst the herd. As a small family operation it is essential that the herd are easy care cows and our show cattle can mix in amongst the rest of the herd.
Barnowl Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEBarnowl Jerseys. HERD PREFIXBarnowl. WE MILK…100-110 milkers with similar number of followers. Loose housed in the winter 100% grass based forages used (no cereals/maize) blend and Trafford gold added to silage all year round with the summer months as a buffer with strip grazing the fields. Annual milk statement 2019: 78 completed lactations 6937kg of milk at 5.37% butter fat and 3.89% protein, with a somatic cell count of 191 dim300. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?50 years. LOCATIONBrackley, Northamptonshire. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESWe supply milk buyers Davis & Parsons Ltd. and manufacture Jersey products, which will be showing soon in the Jersey Producers Directory. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Our family have had Pedigree Jersey cattle for over 50 years with the Jersey cow continuing to be at the very heart of our family farming business. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?Like the chestnut mare, playful when they want to be but also as stubborn as hell.
Sowden Jerseys
FAMILY AND / OR BUSINESS NAMEM.W. & A.E. Huxtable & Son. HERD PREFIXSowden. WE MILK…About 100 cows through a herringbone parlour. Housed in straw yards in the winter, fed on home grown Total Mix Ration (TMR) with dairy nuts in the parlour. HOW LONG HAVE YOU HAD PEDIGREE JERSEYS?64 years. The first Pedigree Jersey cow was bought in November 1956 by the father of Malcolm Huxtable. LOCATIONMid Devon. SUPPLIES / PRODUCESDavis & Parsons Ltd & Styles Farmhouse Ice Cream Ltd. WHAT WAS YOUR REASON FOR CHOOSING TO MILK PEDIGREE JERSEY CATTLE?Originally to improve the milk quality for our retail business in North Devon; mixing Jersey & Friesian milk. In 1975 the Friesians were dispersed & our family continued with pedigree Jerseys. HOW WOULD YOU DESCRIBE THE CHARACTERISTICS OF THE JERSEY BREED AND IN PARTICULAR YOUR HERD?We put great emphasis on good female families, looking for good bodies with excellent udders & good feet & legs making for good mobility to enable toe cows to walk to grass. Our best female lines all originated on Jersey Island & we have used carefully selected Sires to blend with them & improve them. (* EX90 & EX92 & EX96 are different levels of Jersey Type Classification. Find out more about Type Classification here).