Kivells held the “Summer Gold” Sale of 32 Pedigree Jerseys at Exeter Livestock Centre and trade was on fire from start to finish!
The sale topped at 3000gns for an exceptional heifer “Whitenhill Barcelonas Windup VG87” by FDL Barcelona, this heifer was backed by 5 generations of VG or EX dams and sold freshly calved by Bruce, Jenny & Jess Ravenhill-White of Umberleigh.
The same vendor sold 6 cracking In Calf Heifers topping at 1650gns with others to 1550gns & 1500gns four times and four yearling heifer calves between 360-380gns.
Bulling Heifers which were purchased as calves from the Maunlake Dispersal last summer saw quality heifers by River Valley Circus Craze sell really well to a top of 710gns twice and 640gns x 3 from Bill law of Holsworthy.
The demand for Jerseys is exceptionally strong and more could have been sold to advantage!