Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 11.00am via the online platform: Zoom
All Society members are invited to attend the 137th Jersey Cattle Society of the UK Annual General Meeting taking place on Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 11.00am, via video conference using the platform ‘Zoom’.
Director Nomination Form
President Elect Nomination Form
From Monday 13th July the full papers for the AGM will become accessible for download and viewing from the Members Area: Documents: Annual General Meeting.
REGISTER NOW: To participate you will need to register in advance by emailing emma@thejcs.uk or by contacting Emma on 07971 020817.
Full instructions on how to join the online AGM on 4th August will be sent by email to the registered member wishing to participate in this year’s AGM.
We will also be holding a short “zoom test run” on the afternoon of Monday 3rd August for any members who wish to trial joining an online zoom call.