Welcome to the JCS National Show
It was a clean sweep for the Jersey breed when it scooped all four Interbreed titles on offer at the South West Dairy Show, which was hosting the 2022 Jersey National Show.
It was back in 2017 when the relaunch of the Jersey National Show took place after some 20 years.

National Show Judges
Prior to Covid-19 the Society usually welcomed an International Judge each year to allow all members to take part and to add a real sense of occasion. Our judges have been an absolute delight and we thank them for sharing with us their proficiency and skill. Feedback from these ladies and gentlemen has been outstanding, taking Jerseys in the UK to international heights.
We are indebted to so many organisations and people who have contributed to the excellent success of the Society's National Show. Particularly our many and very generous sponsors who show their support of our wonderful breed.
It is a great pleasure every year to see both the quality of Jerseys on show and the enjoyment and camaraderie amongst the exhibitors, making the Jersey National Show a true celebration of our very special cow.
Full listing of show results now available - click here
Youngstock & Milk Classes - Duncan Hunter, Hertfordshire
Showmanship Classes - Mike Deakin
2021 National Youngstock Show
Change of show format due to Covid 19
No Show held due to Covid 19
Jeff Sayles, BRIDON, Canada
Bob Jarrell, RJF, Canada