THE NATIONAL SHOWTHE 2022 SHOWPREVIOUS SHOWSSHOW GALLERY04Show GalleryLATEST FIRST 2019 Jessica & Jenny Ravenhill-White pictured with the 2017 Interbreed Heifer Champion, WHITENHILL Ice Teas Deliria and Judge Robert Hunter. 2019 Claire Daw winning the Senior Showmanship Class with Douglas Buchanan in second place. Pictured with Judge Bob Jarrell and wife April.
2019 Jessica & Jenny Ravenhill-White pictured with the 2017 Interbreed Heifer Champion, WHITENHILL Ice Teas Deliria and Judge Robert Hunter. 2019 Claire Daw winning the Senior Showmanship Class with Douglas Buchanan in second place. Pictured with Judge Bob Jarrell and wife April.