Your username will be used to login to the website. It must be unique and preferably one word so it's easy to remember. We suggest using your Herd Prefix if you have one. Please note this cannot be changed after registration.
  • Ensure the email addresses match.
  • For security purposes, your password must be a minimum of 8 letters and 2 numbers, plus at least one capital letter. Your password must have a minimum strength of Medium. The indicator box below will tell you if password meets this requirement.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Medium
    Strength indicator
  • Ensure the passwords match.

  • This will be checked and approved by the admin team after you submit your membership application. Your Membership Name could be one of the following: an individual name / names, your business partnership name or LTD business name.
  • The details entered below will become the named and nominated representative for this membership. Please note only one individual can act in this role for each membership.

    If you are applying for membership as either an Limited Company, Partnership or an Organisation, please select below and enter the name. If you are applying as an individual, you can skip this step.

  • Note: if you only want to provide a mobile number and not a landline, please enter it here and leave the field below empty.


    Please provide your preferred and secondary choices for your unique Herd Prefix. This must be ONE WORD and a MAXIMUM of 15 characters. After submission of your application, the prefixes submitted will be checked for availability and where possible your preferred choice will always be chosen.

    Please note the price shown below includes VAT.


    The Jersey Cattle Society of the UK is a registered Charity (Charity number 252271) and is registered with the HM Inland Revenue to participate in the Gift Aid Donation Scheme. The Scheme allows the Society, as a registered charity, to claim gift aid from the Inland Revenue on each members’ annual subscription as a donation. In practice this means, for every £1 donated, through Gift Aid, the Society can claim back 25p. You can cancel this declaration at any time simply by notifying us in writing.
    I confirm I wish to gift my annual subscription as a donation to Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom, from date of joining.
    I confirm I am over the age of 18 and I am a UK taxpayer and I understand if I pay less Income Tax and / Capital Gains Tax in the current tax year then the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations, it is my responsibility to pay the difference.

    THE JERSEY CATTLE SOCIETY OF THE UK is the data controller for the purpose of the General Data Protection Regulation Act 2018. The Jersey Cattle Society of the UK takes your privacy seriously and by proceeding to use our services you consent that we may process your personal data we collect in accordance with our Privacy Policy (link opens in new tab / window - close it to return here).
    I / We give consent to the Jersey Cattle Society of the UK to process my personal data as defined in the Society’s Privacy Policy.
    I / We confirm I / We opt in for personal data to be published as required within JCS UK publications.
    I / We confirm I / We wish to be kept in touch by email, phone and post with news and events from JCS UK.
  • From time to time the Society may contact you by email with details of other products / offers / services / competitions offered by third party organisations. For example: the latest pedigree Jersey bulls marketed by AI Marketing Companies for breeding purposes.
    I / We confirm I / We agree to be contacted by email for the above defined purpose.

    By default you will be subscribed to both of our e-newsletters – Society News and Members-Only News. Please untick the boxes below if you do not wish to receive these emails. You can also unsubscribe at any time via the emails themselves.
  • I / We wish to become a Member of the Jersey Cattle Society of the United Kingdom and hereby agree to abide by the Articles, Bye-Laws, Rules and Regulations of the Society until membership is withdrawn by notice in writing. I understand I am paying an Annual Subscription Fee for my membership. Any membership services which I may purchase in the future, including animal registrations, will be required to be paid by direct debit.
    • Payment Details