Due to the onset and continuation of the covid pandemic this year, which resulted in nearly all of the county and national shows for 2020 having been cancelled and thus directly affecting the Society’s ability to hold its annual All Britain competition, the Society decided to hold instead an on-farm photographic competition to provide all members with an opportunity to collectively take part in something positive.
Mark Logan, JCS Director, set a range of classes for all the members to enter as well as specifically two classes just for Jersey Young Breeders to enable them to submit their own photos they had taken on farm under the clases ‘JYB scenic’ and JYB Quirky’. Due to the number of entries received of photos of JYB members, an additional class was added at the Judging stage as we wanted to recognise the photos of JYB members in the results as well as those photographs taken by young members.
Upon the close of entries on 30th September, professional photographer, Jane Steel kindly took the challenge of judging the entries fro each class and selecting a Champion and Reserve for each, as well as collectively with JCS and the editors of the Society publication The UKJT magazine, the winning photo for the coveted front cover of the November Edition of the UKJT.
Congratulations to Scott McGill of Kerricks Jerseys whose photograph took the coveted place front cover shot for the November edition of The UKJT, as winner of the scenic section of the online photographic competition:
To view the details of the JCS On-Farm Photographic Competition as published in the November Edition of the UKJT – view here or visit the JCS Members Area to read the electronic online edition of The JCS UKJT.
To view the full results of the JCS On-Farm Photographic Competition 2020 – visit the JCS Members Area: Documents: Society Awards – direct link: JCS On-Farm Photographic Competition 2020