Claire Daw, daughter to Barry and Jenny Daw and owner of Dawlicious Jersey Ice Cream tells us how, when faced with adversity after a farm fire and the onset of Covid19, how the local community has rallied round and their local customer base is growing even more….“Two nights before lockdown begun – before furlong, isolation, social distancing and Covid 19 weren’t a part of every sentence we say – we sat down for a pastaless spaghetti bolognaise to watch the first Britain’s Got Talent. It had been a busy day with customers stocking up, panicking about lockdown and being unable to come out and get food after Monday, with Barry and Jenny also away visiting their Son Robert in Surrey for a cider in the park as it should have been his stag do. I got a call from a local farmer’s husband Tom on his way to pick up fish and chips asking me if we were having a burn up. My response of what!? Clearly indicated we weren’t having any burn up and it was in fact a large fire on our farm. We quickly ran over the farm to see our straw stack of 350 sheeted bales of lovely dry barley straw completely taken by flames. The fire crew responded very quickly and soon were out to get it under control. To this day we are so thankful the wind was blowing away from the farm and across the road. If it was blowing towards the farm the unimaginable could well have happened and the whole farm could have been lost. Unfortunately, this was the doing of a group of children who had been around the village causing petty nuisance all week. Children that shouldn’t off been out anyway especially in large groups due to the virus. …