All Britain Awards

The 2023 All Britain Competition saw another record level of entries received, with a number of first time entrants which was very encouraging for the breed.
The All Britain Awards are designed to highlight cattle that have been shown during the year and to give credit to their owners and breeders for the outstanding work they do in promoting the Jersey animal at both national and local events.
The All Britain Competition continues to go from strength to strength and we look forward to receiving entries over the coming weeks.
To download an entry form please use the following link: All Britain Awards entry form 2024
Nomination and Selection: The nominations will be selected for each class from the entries received by a panel of three judges.
Points will be awarded as follows: 1st place 7pts, 2nd place 4pts, 3rd place 1 pt. The animal with the most points will be named “Champion All-Britain”, the second highest point total, “Reserve All-Britain” and the third highest, “Honourable Mention”.
In the event of a tie on points, the animal receiving the most 1st place votes will be considered the winner. The nominating & judging committee will take into account each animal’s show record, the quality of photograph and the appearance of the animal in the picture. If a large number of entries are received, some classes maybe split.
Results: Photographs of the Champion All Britain, Reserve All Britain and Honourable Mention All Britain are now available in the March/April 2025 edition of the UKJT.
Robert Hunter, JCS Director, Show, Judges & Competitions