2025 World Jersey Annual Conference Launched

Latest News, Members & Breeders News

World Jersey in partnership with Jersey Australia are excited and proud to announce the 2025 World Jersey Annual Conference in April 2025 from the 6th to the 21st.

Registrations are now open online and you can discover the great program that Jersey Australia has prepared for you. It’s a unique opportunity to bring together Jersey enthusiasts from across Australia and the world.

Online program : https://jersey.com.au/2025-world-jersey-conference/

Online registrations : https://www.trybooking.com/events/landing/1290698

Online brochure : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/36vxuogui70ag0vxh65mx/WJCB-JA-Conference-Brochure-F-HR.pdf?rlkey=ksvwyy391d5kb0heemipjr489&dl=0

We look forward to welcoming you to Australia for this special event.

Oliver Bulot, Secretary of WJCB