Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 11.00am via the online video conferencing platform Zoom
All members of the Society are invited to attend the 137th Jersey Cattle Society of the UK Online Annual General Meeting, taking place on Tuesday 4th August 2020 at 11.00am, via video conference call using the platform ‘Zoom’.
PLEASE REGISTER: To participate all members will need to register in advance by emailing emma@thejcs.uk or by contacting Emma on 07971 020817.
The AGM documents are available to download and view from the Members Area: Documents: Annual General Meeting – CLICK HERE.
Additionally, we have also emailed on 15th July all AGM documents and instructions on how to join the online JCS AGM. (Please check your spam box just in case our JCS E-newsletter email does not appear in your inbox) and by post* to all Members. (*posted only to members who do not have an email on their membership account).
Pre-AGM Practice Zoom Meeting: We will also be holding a short “zoom practice meeting” on the afternoon of Monday 3rd August from 12noon for any members who wish to practice prior to the AGM. Please register with Emma if you wish to attend.
“Tuesday 4th August will be a unique day in the long and illustrious history of the Society. The 137th AGM takes us forward to what I anticipate will be a post Covid19 new normal. I very much hope we can meet face to face next year. In the meantime, I look forward to welcoming as many people as possible to the virtual 137th JCS Annual General Meeting”. John Whitby, JCS Chairman